Hoofstuk 10

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MESSAGE NO 10 TO LUKAAS ON 3 September 2013

Write Lukaas write still they mock me, scorn me and laugh to my face. I AM that I AM before the ages were I AM, I AM that I AM before there was, I AM that I AM. I, I AM that I AM speaks and writes to whomever I may choose to do my will for my people everywhere at any time that I may choose. I send dreams to some, pictures to others and great knowledge of me to those who receive it and do my will in perfect obedience as I so may call them to do. Have I not shown you this throughout time that I live? And still you mock. To this servant, Lukaas shall a truth be told an exact truth that you might know that I AM has spoken these words given to this servant, Lukaas. Have you not read where I will give those who seek to destroy my children the mind of raving locusts? And you laugh. Have you not read and heard these same warnings from others throughout the world? And yet you mock. Do you really believe that in those secret meetings that you have held that I was not there listening to every word? I was and I AM always among you. You have deliberately plotted to pretend to destroy my people in a time that you have called Uhuru to create a delusion among my people, to embarrass them to the world and make them appear as fools. This wretched plan you think to have come from yourselves. It did not, it came from the father you serve, Satan, your master that continues to flood your minds with every imaginable poison and stain of wickedness. As you have devised this plan so it shall be. You laughed when you read or heard the words from my messengers warning my people and thinking them false, thinking that your plans of deception were unknown and secret. You mocked my messengers. And I, I AM will mock you. Uhuru will be as has been foretold. It is part of my plan to show my power to the world and to awaken the world to the wickedness of these evil children of Ham that betray even their own people. There are the good children of Ham as I have told you and I, I AM that I AM is already raising up my messengers among them against you, wicked children of Ham, that have betrayed them so. These good children of Ham will hear my voice; these good children of Ham will know all your works. These good children of Ham will aid my people in the times to come and in the times to come shall they unite in their furious anger against their evil and wicked brothers and sisters of Ham. I, I AM that I AM will be with them as I will also be with my people. You will see me and my host among them. The die is cast there is no turning back, your cup of evil wickedness overflows before me and its stench sickens me, only seconds tick by before I let loose the commands to my Angels to let loose these winds upon your land that will remove reason from your minds. You will be as locusts upon the land as has been foretold and you will seek to destroy my children as has been foretold and like the locusts shall you destroy and devour everything in your path even to the flesh off their bones that the world will see you for what you truly are. In those times the world will say, Elohim lives there is no power greater! Good children of Ham, remember my words, I, I AM that I AM, the Father of Fathers and he who was, is and shall be, forever, is also with you in these times. I will be among you as I have spoken and as I have spoken great will be the blessings that I pour out among you after this destruction. You will dwell safely in those lands that I gave to you and sow, plant and reap harvests of vast bounty so great is my reward to you that I have planned for your aid to my people. I AM that I AM has spoken, believe children believe. Why do you hesitate Lukaas, give the words!


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