Hoofstuk 26

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MESSAGE NO 26 TO LUKAAS ON 27 September 2013

Write Lukaas write to my Daughter of Sion and tell her, how it so pleases me, I, I AM that I AM to speak her name, my dear Daughter, you are my daughter and you are so loved from above, the same love that any of you feels for your own daughters, so it is with me. Daughter of Sion, Daughter of Sion, yes, Daughter of Sion! I AM that I AM has seen all your works that you, in my name, do you these works in all that I have sent to you to do, you do. Did you know my daughter that I often walk through your camp? Some have known and sense my presence. Did you know Daughter of Sion that I have been one of those clothed in the garb of the poor and yet you took me in and cared for me. You fed me and clothed me and loved me even in those times that I tested your faithfulness as one of the renegades did you seek to avail to me all that you could do to reason with me. Did you not see the smile on my face during those times of testing? Did you not see the glint in my eyes when you admonished me? How I delighted in your love and reproof and always in seeking to do my will for my lost, my poor and my broken in heart and spirit have you always sought to do my will in my righteousness through my word. Know Daughter of Sion that in these, the broken, the downtrodden and the cast out, I, I AM that I AM will visit you often as one of these in the times to come and as one of these I will dwell with you for a time. Daughter of Sion, I know your trials, I know your tribulations, I know the long journey that has led you to these times and the times to come. Behold, behold, I am beginning a new work in you, a new work of my love. I am preparing the first of many lights that I will send to you. You will know this first light, as this light will reflect my love for my people and the presence of my Holy Spirit will shine from this light and the lights to come. Be watchful for this light. This light will come in a manner unexpected. Daughter of Sion, prepare for this and the lights to come through my love, through my love you will find them and only through my love will they be revealed to you. Surrender all things to me in my name Yeshuah, surrender each and every day to my love! I AM that I AM Daughter of Sion, I AM!


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