Hoofstuk 178

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Message No 178 to Lukaas van Hout on 15 May 2014

“House of Israel, yes MY House of Israel, Daughter of Sion, MY Daughter of Sion which holds the key to many of my spiritual and divine understandings, have you deeply considered my words recently given to you to help you understand my leading as you are able to bear for that which must be for these times when I reveal my spiritual and divine truths to you?”

“Have you taken the time to seek my understandings through my Holy Spirit in the doorways which I have placed within your hearts that you might find me and my spiritual and divine truths and understandings of my words?”

Oh my House of Israel, MY HOUSE OF ISRAEL, oh my Daughter of Sion, MY DAUGHTER OF SION, cease you not now nor cease you not ever to continue to seek these understandings as I have told you because your hearts have been prepared as I promised and will continue to be prepared for these understandings as I may so lead you in accordance with my will for my plans and for my purposes,

"Remember my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion, remember, I AM Ne'eman V'Yashar, Faithful and True, I AM HaElohim, Creator and I AM HaRo'eh HaTov, the good shepherd, I will never leave you and I will never forsake you because I love you so!”

“Now will I begin to lead you as I promised you, I, yes me I AM that I AM, I will lead you through my Holy Spirit to many of these greater truths and understandings as I prepare you and build within your hearts, my Holy Nation and my Kingdom in preparation for your earthly realms after my deliverance of you and in the times of the restoration of your nations and beyond into the millennial kingdom.”

“I yes me, your loving Father WILL lead you as I promised you!”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that in the times long past did I, I AM that I AM, the heavenly, loving Father lead my House of Israel and was their King?”

“Have you forgotten this?”

“Have you never even taken the time my House of Israel to understand or to consider so simple and wondrous time that was and must have been when I, the King of Kings directly ruled and led my House of Israel?

“In those days and at that time did my House of Israel seek me in all things and I delighted with my people to lead them as they might need day by day, I loved them so!”

“Yet in their vain self-glory, their self-righteousness, their desires of what they beheld through their envy of the earthly Kings of those other nations of the Earth, my people forsook me as their King and sought a King of Man from among them.”

“Have you never considered those times when my House of Israel rejected me, I am that I AM, Kadosh, The Holy One?”

“Do you not remember or have you forgotten how my House of Israel in those days turned from me and my faithful love and at that time sought an earthly king so that they might be as the other nations of the Earth?”

“Do you not remember or have you forgotten that it was I who chose and gave that House of Israel my servant Saul to become their king despite this rejection?”

“Yes, in my love for my people, a great love that cannot even begin to be understood yet by the carnal and mortal hearts of man no not ever can mankind begin to understand the great love that this was to step aside for another, a mere mortal man to rule my people knowing the times that would befall the nation which I built with my own hands.”

“My House of Israel chose the mortal and carnal over the divine as you now do in these days and in these times, OH MY HOUSE OF ISRAEL, why do you still reject me so?”

“Have you never considered these things that were written so long ago?”

“Have you never even taken the time to consider these things?”

“Yet do you arrogantly declare that you love me and yet do you understand these things not nor do you even take the time to consider the spiritual and divine understandings and truths which have lain within the words of those times within the scriptures for so long always and ever before you when my House of Israel, in this same spirit sought and did these things openly before the world to my face.”

‘Have you never even considered how the Kings and peoples of the world at the time laughed and scorned me to my face when Israel rejected me, their creator of which they had boasted, for an earthly king born of man?”

“And yet despite all these truths and understandings that might have been if only you had considered deeply those times of my House of Israel, yet do you now in your false piousness for the recognition of those that you shepherd and lead dissent over the most ridiculous, meaningless and trivial matters of not only this life but matters of the hearts of man of which you know very little if at all.”

“Do you really believe and do you really think that the faith that you now have in light of what I have just begun to reveal to you and to show you is enough to keep you in these, the final hours of your greatest trials and tribulations, trials and tribulations of which mankind has never before seen?”

“Do you really believe and do you really think that the faith that you now have is enough.”

“Do you really believe this my House of Israel?”

“Come my Israel and come my Daughter, walk with me, your loving Father, walk with me and let us consider these matters and let us reason together in love!”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that I have spoken through my Prophets and through my Messengers of those times to my House of Israel?”

“Throughout all time, even to these times have I spoken through my Prophets and through my Messengers!"

"I will always speak to my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion, FOREVER though you, in many matters continue to seek and continue to choose these earthly Kings of many forms rather than to seek the only one who has the answers to all of these things and the only one who delights to share all of these things, all of this knowledge, and all of those spiritual and divine truths which are longed by me to give to you, FREELY and the only one who is with you every moment of every hour of every single day!”

“Come my Israel and come my Daughter, walk with me, your loving Father, walk with me and let us consider these matters and let us reason together in love!”

“What earthly King that have ever lived offer so much for his children?"

I AM, HaRo'eh HaTov, the GOOD shepherd, I AM"

“Now do you begin to understand that despite your continuing rejection of me in so many matters yet have I in all humbleness and my love for you always remained, I AM that I AM, Ne'eman V'Yashar, faithful and true one, I love you so.”

“Now do you begin to understand why I have spoken to the heart of this servant to write my many names as I am known in Hebrew?”

“Now do you begin to see and now do you begin to understand that my Holy Spirit has already been preparing your hearts for these truths and understandings as I have told you?”

“You need only to look at the words which have already been given to you to see with your hearts, this work that I have already done through my Holy Spirit, within, without and upon your hearts.”

“I AM that I AM and I AM Ne'eman V'Yashar, faithful and true one!"

"I love you so and I AM always at work within your heart and always at work within your hearts long before my work in your hearts even becomes known to you so great is my love for you!”

“House of Israel, MY house of Israel, Daughter of Sion, MY Daughter of Sion, know you and understand you deeply the spiritual and divine truths of these words, know you and understand you that as gently as the night becomes day and as gently as the day becomes night so has the times of MY Prophets and the times of MY Messengers come upon you my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion within and without my South Africa, yes the times of MY Prophets and the times of MY Messengers are upon you as has been foretold.”

“These times of my Prophets and these times of my Messengers must be so to prepare you for my spiritual and divine truths for these times, the times yet to be and to prepare you for he that has been chosen and anointed for those times to come to lead my people.”

“I have already told you that this anointed one knows not that he is to lead my House of Israel within my South Africa; he knows not these matters though he delights in my word and is filled with great love for my people, for my House of Israel and for my Daughter of Sion within and without my South Africa.”

“This love is the love of my people that he diligently seeks every moment of every day not knowing that he has already found this love because this love is my love, divine and my divine love is ever and forever seeking and ever and forever searching for new manners in which to express love.”

"This is why he thinks my love eludes him."

“This love is the love of a man who diligently seeks me and my kingdom in all things though he thinks himself far from me and sorrows to find me yet is he as close to me as my own heart.”

“This man was chosen since before the foundations of the Earth were lain and this man is my David for these times so gentle and so loving is his heart.”

“In the fullness of time I will reveal to his heart these matters and in the fullness of time will he be revealed to my House of Israel and My daughter of Sion within my South Africa but not before he has endured much to prepare him to do my will to lead my people and my House of Israel within my South Africa.”

“In those days and at that time will I also open your hearts to see and to receive my anointed one and they who see him will know him to be sent of me because they will see upon his face as my face, Yeshuah.”

“My House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion will weep with great joy and relief at the mere sight of him so filled will all of their hearts be with my Holy Spirit in those times of his revealing to my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion”

“This anointed one is already known among you but known only to me as the anointed one because I have kept him hidden from the Pharaohs of South Africa lest they grieve his heart or seek to do his house evil yet will he become known through those deeds appointed for him to do for my people before he is revealed.”

“More words have I prepared in these matters and these words will come in my time for my plans and for my purposes through MY Prophets and through MY Messengers of these times.”

“Therefore understand you now and deeply consider you now why all these dissensions between my House of Israel cease as to who will lead my people.”

“These matters have already been accomplished and have already been done by my own hand according to my will for my people, my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion.”

“Seek you instead to unite in my name, the only name that was given to you, Yeshuah and seek me as your King and I will be your King to those times when my anointed one will be revealed to lead my House of Israel within and without my South Africa because this time, oh my House of Israel, this time, I HAVE CHOSEN HIM!”

“Know you now and consider you now with grave and deep spiritual understanding as never before through prayer and through the revealing’s of my Holy Spirit to your hearts that my name as Yeshuah is more than a written or spoken word, my name as Yeshuah is of the divine language and carries much of the divine through the life that it is and gives to mankind.”

“You must unite in my name as Yeshuah, you must be as one though you be many yet through my Holy Spirit will I make you as one to lead my people and my House of Israel in my South Africa in preparation for my anointed one.”

“You must unite in my name as Yeshuah, you must be as one though you be many yet through my Holy Spirit will I make you as one to care for and to protect my people during and through the perilous and tumultuous times to come.

“I AM that I AM and I so now command you to do so my House of Israel, I command you to do so, it is MY WILL in my love for you knowing what is to come as I knew what was to come for the House of Israel in those times when they sought a King of Man!”

“Know you, understand you, consider you deeply now and always my words through those doorways that I have opened within your hearts through my Holy Spirit to understand my revelations to you in the spiritual and divine revelations yet to come.’

“The times of milk for your souls draws to an end and the meat of the spiritual and the divine knowledge and truths which you must now receive may only be received through my Holy Spirit through these doorways within your hearts that I have opened with mine own hand.”

“Now hear you Oh MY House of Israel within and without MY SOUTH AFRICA, hear you my words spoken directly to the heart of this servant, this moment this day, the times of the prophets, MY PROPHETS and the times of the messengers, MY MESSENGERS are upon you!”

“Through these Prophets and Messengers, MY Prophets and MY messengers will I reveal even greater spiritual and divine truths to you and answer your needs as they so may arise.”

“These will confirm as one he who I have anointed to lead you as I have already spoken!”

“Remember you oh My House of Israel which forgets me so quickly, remember you these words, as I did for my House of Israel during the times of the Kings, so will I now do for this, MY House of Israel within MY South Africa!”

“Remember you these words so that you may not be misled by false prophets and false messengers, so that you WILL remember yet will I even more, increase the folly of these who falsely declare themselves as being sent of me.”

“The fall of these false prophets and the fall of these false messengers is nigh!”

“Great and terrible will their fall be in the eyes of my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion within my South Africa, great and terrible will their fall be!”

“Great and terrible will their fall be because I have had my fill of their false misrepresentation of me and their false and lying misrepresentation of my written, living and spoken word, the stench of their wickedness reaches even to my heavens, great and terrible will their fall be.”

“Great and terrible will their fall be because with mine own hand will I expose and reveal these false prophets and these false messengers before all the people, all of them, great and terrible will their fall be!”

“Their due has come before my throne of retribution, righteousness and justice.”

“Hear you also false prophets and false messengers, you know who you are and this is my last warning, I AM that I AM and I AM, HaElohiym, this is my last warning to you to turn from your evil wickedness in your false representation of me and your false and lying words of prophecy for my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion within and without my South Africa, turn you from your evil wickedness.”

“Remember you my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion REMEMBER, you shall know MY Prophets and you shall know MY messengers, you shall know them because of the piety which I will greatly increase upon their hearts.”

“These that are mine, flee the world and all that it has to offer.”

“These that are mine seek to do my will in all things without thought to their own needs, wants or desires so great are their commitment and dedication to seek me and my will.”

“These that are mine reflect my face as Yeshuah and these that are mine love as I showed you to love and taught you to love, my divine love which knows only to love!”

“Even when I stood before Pilate accused, judged and condemned, yes even when I, HaElohiym of all that is stood before mortal man did I continue to love!”

“These that are mine endure the scourging of the world and these that are mine will I greatly increase the humbleness and piety of their hearts through those trials and tribulations of their souls that must be so to continue to prepare them to be MY Prophets and MY Messengers for my people, my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion.”

“In these times of my Prophets and my Messengers will all these things be so and come to pass so that my people, my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion might never again be deceived or led astray.”

“These things must be so for my people, my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion in the perilous and tumultuous times to come because in these perilous and tumultuous times to come there must be nor can there ever be any doubt in my words lest my people suffer beyond that which has already been ordained.”

“As it was in the former times of my House of Israel so now it must be in these times”

“Be you wary and be you diligent my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion within and without my South Africa, be you wary and be you diligent to seek out these false ones because even to the time of the end will these false ones rise among you to keep you wary and to keep you diligent in these matters in their vain attempts to mislead and deceive you.”

“Follow my words, the word which live and give life and follow my law when these false ones appear and do so to them in love when you must cast them from you because some of these will repent and some of these will be restored but not as my Prophets or my Messengers.”

“Therefore as I have told you, instructed you and commanded you, cease you now any and all of your dissensions, disagreements and differences of what you have come to think that you believe of me which divides you so because as much as you have wanted to believe in the rightness of your beliefs yet many of you and most of you still practice many of the false doctrines and teachings of the faith of the unholy and terrible apostasy borne from the depths of death which destroyed my people during those times of great tribulation which you call your dark ages.”

“Seek you to unite in my name, Yeshuah as I have already told you so many times before!”

“In the time when you finally unite in my name and submit your hearts fully to me and my Holy Spirit then will the floodgates of the dams which have held back the living waters of my spiritual and divine truths be opened to you and will flood you as never before in all of the spiritual and divine knowledge, truths and understandings which I have so longed to give you since the fall.”

“House of Israel, MY house of Israel, let me love you with this spiritual and divine knowledge as I have so longed to love you with this knowledge.”

“The times of peril, terrible peril, wicked and woe some peril which has grieved my heart and my host for you since before there was are upon you as has been foretold!”

“These times are shorter than your mortal and carnal hearts may even as of yet begin to understand so terrible are they now and so are they yet to be and even more so than is thought so terrible is what is to come."

“House of Israel, MY HOUSE OF ISRAEL, Daughter of Sion, MY DAUGHTER OF SION it is with the greatest of love of a creator for his people that you hear my voice through these words and understand deeply that you shall, you must and you will come into the absolute light of my absolute divine love, my absolute truth and the absolute faith and absolute belief that I, I AM that I AM, the only Alpha and Omega, I AM that I AM, the ELohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the I AM that I AM, the ELohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, I AM that I AM, the ELohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob, it is with this divine love of a creator for his creation that you shall, you must and you will come into the absolute light of my absolute divine love, my absolute truth and the absolute faith and absolute belief to trust me that I will lead you to understand and give to you and will reveal to you upon, within and without your hearts all of these things and all of these things will I do for you with mine own hand upon your hearts!”

“Remember these words, burn these words as a searing hot brand upon your hearts oh House of Israel, MY HOUSE OF ISRAEL, Daughter of Sion, MY DAUGHTER OF SION, burn these words as a searing hot brand upon your hearts and REMEMBER this is my work upon your hearts, MY WORK which is only accomplished through my DIVINE will through my Holy Spirit!

“No mortal man, nor carnal man of his own doing may ever find my spiritual or divine truths no matter how diligently he may seek to do so without my Holy Spirit because it is only through those doorways into your hearts that I open through my Holy Spirit may these things ever be found!”

“No mortal man, nor carnal man of his own doing may ever change his heart from the carnal to the spiritual or to the divine without the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT which belongs only to me to do so as I may will for my plans and for my purpose in the times that I CHOOSE to do so!

“Therefore seek you not now nor seek you not ever to be one these carnal or mortal men who dares to think or dares to believe or dares to presume that my spiritual and divine truths may ever be found apart from the revealing’s of my Holy Spirit upon the hearts of man as I so may will to reveal these spiritual and divine truths for my plans and for my purposes because no man may even begin to understand my plans and my purposes for mankind no not any man may understand these things except that which I choose to reveal and will only reveal to those who seek me in those manners in which I have already instructed you and revealed to you.”

“Never be one of these and cease you now from being one of these!”

“Have I not already told you these things or have you already forgotten that this is my work as I have told you so that no man may boast?”

‘Remember, the work in your hearts is MY WORK, I and I alone through my Holy Spirit will complete MY WORK in your hearts for my plans and for my purposes in my time and in accordance with my will.”

“Remember, through my name Yeshuah shall you and will you become”

“I AM that I AM, and I AM the only Devar HaChayim, the living word of life.”


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