Hoofstuk 129

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Message No 129 to Lukaas van Hout on 3 January 2014

“Those among you who do my will and hear my voice through these words, let not your hearts be troubled nor your faith be challenged, know that yet a fig tree does grow because I, YES ME, I AM THAT I AM HAS PLANTED THIS TREE WITH MY OWN HAND!

With my own hand have I planted this tree and with my own hand have I purposely disguised this tree and hidden it among you so that it not be found until the times that I choose to reveal this tree to you!”

“Let not your hearts be troubled nor your faith be challenged!”

“Let not your hearts be troubled nor your faith be challenged!”

“Let not your hearts be troubled nor your faith be challenged, because I have promised you that I AM with you now and every single moment of every single day am I with you in all things!”

“Seven days was my House of Israel within and without the borders of my South Africa given to do my will as I instructed my House of Israel to do through the words which I gave to you through this servant which my Holy Spirit commands upon and within this heart to write to you my words, yes MY WORDS was this servant commanded by me through my Holy Spirit to write my words to you my House of Israel within and without the borders of my South Africa.”

“Seven days was granted by me, your loving Father and your creator, seven days were granted by me to see if my House of Israel would take my words to Pharaoh as I commanded and instructed.”

“Seven days was granted by me, YOUR LOVING FATHER and YOUR CREATOR.”

“Seven days was granted by me to see if you would stand with me, I AM that I AM, yes seven days were granted to see if you would stand with me in faith as I instructed and commanded this House of Israel to do for me as a test of faith.”

“Are you yet still so blind and so deaf to me that you cannot understand nor do you take the time to understand that I and my host stand ready at this very moment to fulfill those things which you await?”

“Again I say to you House of Israel, I and my host stand ready at this very moment to fulfill those things which you await!”

“Your arrogance and self-righteousness in your unwillingness to stand up in your faith in my word reveals your hearts to me as a rebellious and stiff-necked House of Israel through you own unwillingness to hear me and do my will and prevents my deliverance of you!”

“You have betrayed me and my people because of your arrogance and self-righteousness in denying these words to my people and in your unwillingness to stand up in your faith with me and do my will!

“I speak not of they who have listened to my words and they who have delivered my words as I directed this House of Israel to do for me.”

“Some have declared my words to Pharaoh though they be few in number.”

“If this House of Israel will not stand up for me in faith now, neither will I stand up for this House of Israel in these times to do those things which I promised to do.”

“Know you and understand severely House of Israel, as I live from eternity to eternity, as I live from before there was a beginning and beyond that which ends, as I live, I, ME, CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, I, YES ME! I AM THAT I AM, I WILL FIND ANOTHER AND ACCOMPLISH MY PROMISES THROUGH THEM!”

“Yes, I will find another and accomplish my promises through them!”

“What, you think not that I, yes me, I AM that I AM, you think not that I cannot and will not create new circumstances according to my word to fulfill these promises and my prophecies?”

“What, you think not that I cannot and will not find new leaders from among my people and from among the children of Ham to fulfill those prophecies for a time yet to be?”

“I can and I will if you will not stand with me, House of Israel, I can and I will if you will not stand with me in faith and deliver my words to Pharaoh as I instructed and commanded!”

“If you, House of Israel cannot or will not do as I instructed and commanded, then I, YES ME, I AM THAT I AM, yes ME, the only I AM THAT I AM, then I will delay fulfillment of these prophesies for another time yet to be and raise up those from among my people and the children of Ham to yet again set the stage for a time yet to be for the fulfillment of my words through my Prophets as I have spoken!”

“My will and my words will be accomplished but they will only be accomplished for they who truly desire to become the holy nation that I so desire to make of them!”

“My will and my words will be accomplished but they will only be accomplished for a people ready to be freed from bondage and ready to separate themselves from this world and seek me and only me and my will through my living, written and spoken words!”

“Do you not remember your forefathers?”

“Does not my word speak of your forefathers?”

“Even your forefathers knew of me and cried out to me for their deliverance from the hand of Pharaoh for over four hundred years!”

“I spoke to them as I speak to you now, hear my words and believe that I and my host are ready to deliver you if you will but receive my words and stand up with me in faith and speak or write the words which I instructed and commanded you to do!”

“This is the same test that I gave to your forefathers when I sent Moses to speak for me to that House of Israel and that Pharaoh in those days and at that time.”

“In so doing my will as Moses and Aaron were commanded by me, then the people of my House of Israel believed Moses and Aaron and when that House of Israel stood with me in faith through Moses and Aaron then did I reveal myself to Pharaoh and the land of Egypt and delivered my people according to my promises as I am now ready to do for you this House of Israel within my South Africa!”

“Yes I and my Host stand ready to fulfill the words of the prophets if only you will hear me, do my will, believe and trust in me, I AM that I AM, I STAND READY TO DELIVER YOU!”

“For these who believe in me, for these who trust me, for these who stand ready to do my will and for these who have placed their faith in me to deliver them from this modern land of Egypt and only for these will I fulfill the words that I spoke through my prophets and messengers, yes only for these will these prophecies be fulfilled!”

“Great is my disappointment in you, House of Israel, great is my disappointment in you for failing so greatly to stand with me in your faith in me to trust me to accomplish my will, great is my disappointment in you!”

“Know and understand that if you cannot or will not stand with me your creator, if you cannot or will not stand with me then neither will I stand with you.”

“I say to you House of Israel, I say to you now, greater were the righteous in Sodom then in this House of Israel which fails me so again and again in their defiance to my face because of their rebelliousness and arrogant, stiff-necked self-righteousness!”

“Remember you House of Israel, I made you a watchman, now watch and do my will because if you cannot or will not stand with me in faith and do my will then will these times be delayed to a time yet to be.”

“Know and understand this House of Israel in my South Africa, know and understand that if you cannot or will not stand with me in faith and do my will then will I hold this House of Israel within my South Africa, yes I will hold this House of Israel accountable for every death of my people and the blood of every death of my people will I require from the hand of this House of Israel!”

“Yes, every single death, every single woe, every single suffering of my people will I require from the hand of this House of Israel at the Day of Judgment.”

“Know and understand this House of Israel in my South Africa, know and understand severely that in the Day of Judgment, Sodom and Gomorrah will fare better at that time then will this self-righteous, arrogant House of Israel which continually seeks blindness and deafness from my words so dark have their evil hearts become to me in seeking a nation for their own selfish desires and lusts and not the holy nation that I desire to give to them and to make with them.”

“Know and understand that if you cannot or will not stand with me your creator, if you cannot or will not stand with me then I will divorce this House of Israel as I did to your forefathers in the times of this first divorce from that House of Israel will I also do to this House of Israel within my South Africa which fails me so!”

“Yet will I plead with you as a loving Father because of these who pray with all sincerity of heart and soul for this House of Israel, yet will I plead with you as a loving Father!”

“Yet will I reason with you as your loving Father to seek these truths with all your hearts and souls because of these who pray with all sincerity of heart and soul for this House of Israel, yet will I reason with you as your loving Father to seek these truths with all your hearts and souls!”

“Seek you diligently, yes seek you diligently these truths through my Holy Spirit in my name, I AM that I AM, Yeshuah seek you these truths House of Israel, SEEK YOU THESE TRUTHS!”

“If you will but seek these truths then will I reveal these truths to you as I have promised you!”

“I will reveal these truths to you through my Holy Spirit so that I may deliver you as I have promised you through the many prophets sent to you throughout the ages even to this time have I sent my prophets and messengers to you so that I may deliver you as I have promised you if you will but seek these truths and do my will!”

“Yes have I seen the few that have done my will in these matters and yes have I heard the many prayers from some of those within this House of Israel seeking and doing my will in these matters though they be few in number.”

“I say to you now this House of Israel, I say to you now that because of these few, I will yet again grant you seven days to do my will as I instructed through the words that my Holy Spirit commanded upon and within the heart of this servant to write to you, I so now command this servant to repeat this message to you, House of Israel within my South Africa hear these, my words, hear these words and do my will!

26 December 2013

“I have heard your prayers seeking greater understandings for these times, the times to come and the times yet to be.”

“Know and understand that the words which are commanded upon your heart by my Holy Spirit to write for me to my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion, I AM that I AM, know and understand that these words may only be given in the times and places of my choosing for the fulfillment of my plans and for my purposes for my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion in this nation, my nation South Africa.”

“Now may you write these words as my Holy Spirit commands upon and within your heart to write these words so shall you and so will you write because before I deliver my people, yet must they be tested to see if they will stand with me in their faith or not.”

“If my House of Israel, so loved and cherished by me, cannot or will not stand with me in their faith then it is impossible for me to deliver them because their hearts will not be able to bear this deliverance against the evil host in those times and the times yet to be.”

“Their faith would not be sufficient to believe in me and all that I greatly desire to do and will do for my House of Israel and my Daughter od Sion in those times to come and the times yet to be so weak would their faith be in me, their loving Father, I AM that I AM, so weak would their faith be to believe in me and all that I greatly desire to do for this House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion within the borders of my nation South Africa.”

“Neither will my hand, the hand of their loving Father ever deliver a people weak in faith knowing it would be to their own destruction especially this House of Israel and this Daughter of Sion so cherished and loved by me in my South Africa.”

“If my House of Israel cannot stand with me in their faith now, then in those times and the times yet to be, my House of Israel would turn away from me and my House of Israel in this nation, my South Africa would fall away as many have already begun to do.”

“To my House of Israel, to my Daughter of Sion within the borders of my South Africa, write to them with the greatest of love, yes, with the greatest of love, write these words, my words, the words of me, yes me, I AM that I AM, write these words that my Holy Spirit commands upon and within your heart to write to my House of Israel, to my Daughter of Sion, WRITE MY WORDS WITH THE GREATEST OF LOVE!”

“Hear me through these words my House of Israel!”

“Hear me through these words my Daughter of Sion!”

“Hear my voice through these words!”

“Open you hearts to hear these words!”

“Seek my voice in these words through my Holy Spirit which will open your hearts to hear my voice through these words, yes these words, my words, commanded upon and within the heart of this servant to write to you!”

“House of Israel, Daughter of Sion!”

“House of Israel, Daughter of Sion!”

“House of Israel, Daughter of Sion!”

“Hear me, I, yes me, I AM that I AM Yeshuah! I, YES ME, I AM that I AM, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob, HEAR ME THROUGH THESE WORDS!”

“Now is the time, yes now is the time for you my House of Israel and Daughter of Sion, now is the time for you to begin to declare me, your loving Father, I AM that I AM, yes now is the time to declare me, I AM that I AM to the leaders, to all of the leaders of your nation.”

“Now is the time to declare me, I AM that I AM!”

“Now is the time to declare me, I AM that I AM!”

“Now is the time to declare me, I AM that I AM to the leaders of your nation!”

“Declare me as I instructed Moses to declare me to Pharaoh, declare me!”

“Declare me to your nation in any manner in which you are able, declare me, declare me, my House of Israel and Daughter of Sion, declare me in every city, in every town in any place where people dwell in which you are able to DECLARE ME, DECLARE ME, DECLARE ME THROUGH THE NAME, THE SAME NAME THAT I GAVE TO MOSES, THE NAME OF I AM THAT I AM, DECLARE ME!”

“Speak, write and in any manner in which you are able, tell all of these that you are my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion!”

“Tell all of these that you are my House of Israel and Daughter of Sion that belongs to me, yes me, I AM that I AM!”

“Tell all of these that you are my House of Israel and Daughter of Sion that I am jealous for!”

“Tell and declare to all of these that me, yes me, I AM that I AM Yeshuah! I, YES ME, I AM that I AM, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob, tell and declare to all of these that me, the I AM that I AM has sent you AND COMMANDED YOU to declare me to all of these in this nation, my nation, my South Africa and that I command that my House of Israel be freed to follow me and do my will as I have instructed and commanded you through all that I have sent throughout your generations to this day, House of Israel, DECLARE ME!”

“Fear you not now nor fear you not ever to do my will!”

“Moses and Aaron were but two people who stood before Pharaoh and declared these same things fearlessly and in my name and in my name, I AM that I AM did Moses and Aaron fearlessly do these same things to do my will as I now instruct you to do my will!”

“My house of Israel in my South Africa is many more than these two and my house of Israel in South Africa already know my words and my scriptures in these matters!”

“As I live and as I have been and as I, yes me, I AM that I AM will always be, I tell you now that I will be with you as I was with Moses and Aaron and all my servants through the generations of man, I WILL BE WITH YOU, to strengthen your hearts, to increase your faith, to magnify your courage, to give you patience, all of this I will do for you through the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT which is already preparing you for this final test of your faith in me before these, the times to come, will pass.”

“With the greatest of faith and with the greatest of courage and with the greatest of patience and with the greatest of love that I will give you through my Holy Spirit, I me, I AM that I AM will give you the power to declare to all of these, me, I AM that I AM and my will for my South Africa as you know my will to be through those that I have sent throughout the ages.”

“With the greatest of faith, with the greatest of courage and with the greatest of patience and with the greatest of love will you, my House of Israel declare my will for my House of Israeli in this nation, my nation, my South Africa!”

“This must be so for my plans and my purposes, this MUST BE SO!”

“This must be so, so that this nation, my nation, my South Africa and all the nations of the world will come to know that My House of Israel in my South Africa does live and that my House of Israel does my will and that my House of Israel stands up for me and declares me without fear in my name, I AM that I AM!”

“This must be so!”

“This must be your declaration House of Israel and Daughter of Sion; this must be your declaration and your living testament of your faith in me to the nations of the world!”

“Then shall and then will the all the words of the prophets come to pass as I, yes me, I AM that I AM revealed to these prophets throughout the generations of man to this day.”

“In those days and in that time when you, in your faith stand up for me and declare me and my will for this House of Israel in South Africa, in these days and in that time will you be in awe of the words that my Holy Spirit will place within your hearts to speak and write for me as I have instructed you to do this day.”

“Know and understand that there will be persecutions among you, some to death, some to beatings, some to blasphemous cursing’s against you and some to torture, some of these from your own people and some of these without your own people and some of these of the other nations.”

“Know and understand that there will be persecutions but I, yes me, I AM that I AM will be with you through the power of my Holy Spirit to strengthen you and to give you great faith and great courage to speak and to write my words as I have instructed you this day.”

“In fearful, trembling awe of you many of these shall and many of these will be for the great faith and courage that I will give you to speak and to write for me and in greater numbers of they who persecute will many, many more be who will hear my words through you that you speak and write in my name.”

“Know and understand that because of you, you who will speak and write, many, many people from among the nations of the world will find me and my salvation!”

“Know and understand House of Israel and Daughter of Sion within my nation, my South Africa, know and understand that you are the fig tree of which I blessed as Yeshuah!”

“Yes you are the fig tree that will bear fruit now in this harvest and will bear fruit endlessly forever!”

“Yes, my cherished House of Israel and cherished Daughter of Sion know and understand that you are the fig tree of which I blessed as Yeshuah!”

“In those days and in that time when you, in your faith stand up for me and declare me and my will for this house of Israel in South Africa, then the world will know that it is against my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion that this great evil has come upon.”

“The world must know that it is my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion in my South Africa which stands up for me in faith to do my will!”

“This must be so for my plans and for my proposes so that the entire world may know and understand that I AM that I AM lives and that I AM that I AM dwells within all the affairs of man!”


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