Hoofstuk 72

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Message No 72 to Lukaas van Hout on 29 October 2013


Forgive me, I must do the will of the Father to warn his children. The post to come is with much dread and has left me heartbroken. It could not be posted until the video was made to accompany this post as directed by Elohiym as his promise to our nation of the after times and to give you hope through the dark times to come.

I AM that I AM:

Hear now my words, yes my words, I, I AM that I AM speaks these words through these hands though dreadful they be. Dreadful are these words that repents me, yes repents me, I, I AM that I AM to speak my words through this servant to write unto you, my people, my children, my Daughters of Sion, my dearly love houses of Israel, all of you which dwell in these cities. Cities that I, I AM that I AM has loved from their beginnings and from their beginnings did I, I AM that I AM lovingly and with great care choose their names that were put into the hearts of these men to name these cities, my cities that I, I AM that I AM gave to you to bless you and to glorify my name. Johannesburg, have I not, have I, I AM that I AM not greatly blessed you and in all things have I, I AM that I AM blessed this great city with all things did I, I AM that I AM blessed you and gave to you great riches of wisdom, knowledge and wealth of all kinds did I, I AM that I AM give to you. Yet have you betrayed me, me, I, I AM that I AM and through the years did I, I AM that I AM warn you and cry to you through all that I sent to you to turn from your wicked and evil ways did I, I AM that I AM cry unto you! Day and night have I cried to you and for you and with you have I, I AM that I AM cried to you. Did you not know of my love for you Johannesburg? It is done, you will not repent nor will you hear me anymore though I have cried to you and plead to you and begged you to repent, you have refused me to my face and have betrayed me in every possible way. In every possible way have you, Johannesburg betrayed me! ME, I, I AM that I AM that loved you so! I have walked among you Johannesburg, yes I, me, I AM that I AM, your loving creator has walked among you and seen with my own eyes the evil that you, Johannesburg have given yourself over to, to serve my adversary have you turned from me in every possible way to serve the adversary. And serve my adversary you do, deliberately, spitefully and arrogantly to my face have you turned from me to serve the adversary in every imaginable way do you now serve the adversary. So great has your evil become that I, I AM that I AM can no longer look upon you for this great evil that infects every corner of your borders does this evil pervade your borders and your habitations. From the least of these habitations to the greatest of these habitations does this evil pervade your borders and habitations. Against my will, MY WILL, I, I AM that I AM have you betrayed me from those first times when you traded my love, my suffering and my death for you did you trade me for a bag of gold. For a bag of gold did you first betray me yet even at that time did I, I AM that I AM forgive you and continued to bless you throughout the years and throughout the years did I, I AM that I AM blessed you and blessed you I did with all manner of wealth so great were my blessings that I gave to you. Still you would not hear me though I have given you many years to repent and turn from your ways and now this city, my city, the city that I, I AM that I AM personally named for you, have you given yourself over to the most base of foreigners. Foreigners that I, I AM that I AM forbade you in my laws to do, you have done and now this, my beloved city, Johannesburg reeks of their evil, their witchcraft, their violations of my laws and my people. This city reeks of false beliefs and idolatry of every kind does this city reek and its stench of evil fills my nostrils. I AM that I AM withdraws from you Johannesburg, my city, my beloved city Johannesburg. It repents me that the prophecies must now be, for even as I spared Nineveh, I would have spared you had you not defied me to my face. Yet will I, I AM that I AM for my people and their many prayers for you, not let your destruction be complete until the end of the world. You will fall Johannesburg but not completely for the sake of my people will I, I AM that I AM spare you from total destruction. Johannesburg if you only knew how deep my love is for you and how it repents me to have delivered these words to you this day.


Bloemfontein, did you not know that I, I AM that I AM has also walked through you and among you have I, I AM that I AM walked among you? Do you know Bloemfontein that as I spoke the name of Johannesburg into the hearts of man to name it so, so did I, I AM that I AM speak also to the hearts of they who named you. Bloemfontein, still you seek me, still you call to me and still you resist the adversary to the best of your ability do you, Bloemfontein resist the adversary. You, yes you Bloemfontein has been and is still the hand that feeds my people. In all love do you feed my people! In my name do you feed my people and in my name and in my will in obedience to my laws do you cling to me to feed my people! I, I AM that I AM sees your work for me, all of it. I, I AM that I AM knows of all your endeavors to awaken my people both within and without your city do I, I AM that I AM know of these endeavors. Trouble will come to you yet you will be spared and not fall though your troubles be great. Hold fast to me in the times to come. In the times to come hold fast to me, I AM that I AM and I, I AM that I AM will spare you destruction as will come to other cities. In those days and in those times must you be as the children of Israel around the walls of Jericho when they obeyed my commands and in faith did all that I, I AM that I AM asked of them to do, they did. Fear not Bloemfontein neither be you dismayed when these troubles come to you. Remain in me and my love and these words that I give to you this day to know I AM that I AM is with you and will be with you. In preparation for those times, I, I AM that I AM is preparing the hearts of those I will raise up among you to encourage, strengthen, speak and write for me in your hour of temptation against the powers of darkness and through your faith in me, I, I AM that I AM and through these that I will raise up for you, you Bloemfontein will be delivered and will prosper once again as a heart of my nations. For your faith in me in those times to come, will you be a blessing to my people and to the end of the world will you always rejoice in my name for this deliverance from the hand of the adversary. Bloemfontein, know and commit these words to your heart that you have found favor in my, yes my heart, me, I, I AM that I AM and I, I AM that I AM loves you so.


To my city, the city of my love, my brotherly love. Did you think that I, I AM that I AM would forget you? I, I AM that I AM has saved you for the last in these words that you might remember these words and know that I, I AM that I AM is with you. Though many of you have fallen, though this, my city of brotherly love has compromised my laws and my will yet great numbers of you resist the evil one. To this day great numbers of you resist the evil one and from you have many come that resist the evil one. From you Philadelphia, many, many more will rise against the evil one! I know your heart Philadelphia! I know the daily shame and grief that you bear as you gaze upon the works that I, I AM that I AM delivered to you in remembrance of me, all that I, I AM that I AM did for you and all of those that I, I AM that I AM sent to you in the before times to now and to now do I, I AM that I AM continue to raise up those from among you who do my will in all obedience to me, I AM that I AM. Know that as I, I AM that I AM lives now and has lived from the beginning and for all time, know that I AM that I AM is also with you and will not allow complete destruction to befall you. The times will come when there will be destruction within your city and without your city but know that I, I AM that I AM will shorten that time and drive those who seek your destruction from among you and from among you I, I AM that I AM will drive them, with great fury will I, I AM that I AM drive them from among you with my own hand and the hands of those that I raise up in my righteous retribution against them will I, I AM that I AM drive them with my fury from this city, my city, the heart of my nations of my Daughters of Sion and my houses of Israel will I, I AM that I AM drive them from my city and with great delight will I drive them from my city. Know that the destruction that does come will leave you heartbroken from the works of your hands that you created to commemorate your people and the works of your hands in remembrance of me. Know that the destruction of these works will bring you great sadness and dismay yet will you rejoice in the deliverance from the hand of the evil one that I, I AM that I AM has told you this day in your deliverance as you stand in the aftertimes amidst the destruction of these works, you shall rejoice in your deliverance so great it will be. You shall rebuild these works of your hands and some must contain parts of the destruction to remember this deliverance from the hand of the evil one. In preparation for what is to come, take these words that were given long ago and commit them to your memory. In the times of destruction to come, sing this song to me as I, I AM that I AM delivers you in those times.


Die Lied van Jong Suid-Afrika

En hoor jy die magtige dreuning?

Oor die veld kom dit wyd gesweef:

die lied van ‘n volk se ontwaking

wat harte laat sidder en beef.

Van Kaapland tot bo in die Noorde

rys dawerend luid die akkoorde:


Dit is die LIED van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die LIED van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die LIED van Jong Suid-Afrika.


Die klop van die Voortrekkerwawiel

het die eeue se rus verstoor;

die klank van die voorlaaierskote

het klowe en kranse gehoor.

Die diere het stil staan en luister,

die bome het bewend gefluister:


Dit is die KOMS van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die KOMS van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die KOMS van Jong Suid-Afrika.


Waar songloed in glorie die berge

oor hul fronsende voorhoof streel,

waar ruisende wind oor die vlaktes

met grassaad kerjakker en speel,

die land wat ons vaders gekoop het,

met bloed tot ons eie gedoop het:


Dit is die LAND van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die LAND van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die LAND van Jong Suid-Afrika.


Die golwende veld is ons woning

en ons dak is die hemelblou;

die Vryheid alleen is ons koning,

sy wagwoord is: “Handhaaf en bou”.

Die stryd wat ons vaders begin het

sal woed tot ons sterf of oorwin het.


Dit is die EED van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die EED van Jong Suid-Afrika,

dit is die EED van Jong Suid-Afrika


See video: http://youtu.be/4ebldATXe9s


In those days and at that time Philadelphia shall I, I AM that I AM renew all that you were and all that that I, I AM that I AM desired for you so great is my love for you my dearly loved heart of my nations, Philadelphia. Remember the words of this song, remember them and commit them to your hearts, all of you, my people, my Daughters of Sion, my Houses of Israel because in the days of your deliverance when I, I AM that I AM has freed you from the hand of the adversary you will sing this song again and sing this song again will you sing with gladness and joyful hearts that you thought long forgotten so great will your gladness and joy be. I AM that I AM.


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