Hoofstuk 137

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Message No 137 to Lukaas van Hout on 13 January 2014

“Behold your sisters Daughter of Sion, behold your sisters, poor are they and dressed in rags.”

“Yet are they joyful and yet do they sing and pray to me with the greatest of love for me and my children, yes, behold your sisters, poor are they and dressed in rags.”

“Behold your sisters Daughter of Sion, poor are they and dressed in rags.”

“Yes behold your sisters that walk among that House of Israel and are held by that House of Israel in low esteem, mocked and derided for their poverty.”

“Behold your sisters in these woes!”

“Yes behold your sisters in these woes!”

“Yet are these sisters joyful and yet do they sing and pray to me with the greatest of love for me and my children!”

“Behold your sisters as they walk humbly and gracefully among that House of Israel as though they were dressed in the raiment of Kings and Queens so joyful are they in their service to me and to my children.”

“Behold your sisters as they walk among the fields of this earth and the great joy they find in the discovery of just one blossom!”

“Consider your sisters as they walk among the fields of this Earth.”

“Yes consider your sisters as they walk among the fields of this Earth and see only my kingdom when the woes of this life seem about to overcome them from the many wounds that are inflicted upon them day after day from that House of Israel.”

“Yes consider your sisters and their wounds as you have been wounded my Daughter of Sion.”

“Behold your sisters as I behold your sisters when they sleep from their many labours, their many trials and their many woes.”

“Yes behold your sisters as they sleep with the restful and peaceful sleep which my host imbues upon them for their rest from the many woes, trials and tribulations of this life which they suffer for me and my children.”

“Consider the light from the faces of your sisters while they yet sleep, the sleeping faces of these your sisters which perfectly reflects my countenance of love and peace and faces that in this sleep, reflect all of the beauty of my light of all that I AM.”

“Yes, Daughter of Sion consider and behold your sisters as I, yes me, I AM that I AM considers your sisters in all their beauty and grace as they serve me and my will for my children in all that they have given to me and suffered for me and my children.”

“Behold your sisters Daughter of Sion and prepare you for their coming because some of them will lose their abode.”

“The many wounds of spirit and heart and the great pain of some of your sisters will shame some of these sisters to speak to you of these woes." "My Holy Spirit will reveal these to you.”

“Prepare you for their coming; prepare you an abode for these sisters who will dwell not any longer in their former abodes.”

“Fear you not their abode with you because these sisters bring a great wealth of the wisdom, faith, and knowledge that I, yes me, I AM that I AM, has given to these of your sisters these many, many years.”

“These of your sisters will share with you all that I have given to them in this great wealth of the wisdom, faith, and knowledge that I gave to them and because of these sisters, which only seem poor, yes because of these sisters will you Daughter of Sion be greatly blessed.”

“Because of these sisters whom I will send to you, you will be blessed, Daughter of Sion and you will be blessed greater than before.”

“Behold Daughter of Sion and prepare you because I AM soon to send these sisters to you, I AM that I AM, I AM soon to send these sisters to you!”


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