Hoofstuk 74

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Message No 74 to Lukaas van Hout on 3 November 2013

Speak now you gently, speak gently through these words which I, I AM that I AM speaks to your heart to write to the good children of Ham as my, yes my, I, I AM that I AM, my Holy Spirit which I have anointed you with, shall you write and you shall write and do as my Holy Spirit imparts to your heart to do, all and any of my words that I, I AM that I AM speaks through my Holy Spirit to your heart, shall you do. Good children of Ham, have I, I AM that I AM not sent you many, many blessings? Have I, I AM that I AM creator of all things not sent to you many words of comfort and many words of instructions and teachings that you might continue to enjoy the blessings that I, I AM that I AM gives to you and through my people gives to you, these blessings that you would enjoy the fat of the land if you would hearken to my words? These words as I, I AM that I AM has delivered to you since Noah stand true to the end of the world do these words stand true. These words which began with Noah, these words which were confirmed and expounded upon through many throughout the generations of mankind, stand as they have stood since they were first spoken to you. I know your hearts. I know that there is great fear and misunderstanding among you and your nations. This confusion, this spirit of confusion comes from the evil one and his servants which speak to the hearts of they who oppose me and they who falsely present spiritual truths to you delivered to their hearts directly from the mouth of the evil one, the satan, he who was cast out and he who deceived a third of my heavenly host. This evil one has spoken to many, many hearts throughout the generations of mankind since these words of my blessings and plans for you were first spoken to your ancestors and your forefathers. This evil one continues to speak his lies and deceptions even to this day does he speak his lies and deceptions to you and through the mouths of many does the evil one speak. The words began with my word through Noah which said, you shall be a servant. Yet has man, throughout his generations, misinterpreted these words to you for his own personal gain, falsely and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in the deceit of their hearts have they delivered these words falsely to you. Children of Ham, good children of Ham, hear me now through the hands of this servant which serves me in whatever manner I put into his heart to write, he writes and fears not any man to write as I, I AM that I AM leads him to write, he writes. Yes good children of Ham, hear me, me, I, I AM that I AM, creator of all things that were, will be and are as yet unknown to mankind have I created all things and will continue to create all things forever and forever and beyond even the reach of time will I forever continue to create all things. Yes me, I, I AM that I AM, he who stands as the ruler and King of this universe and those places as of yet unknown to mankind will I, I AM that I AM rule all things, forever. Hear you now and understand, the Earth which I created, the Earth which I blessed with living things of all kinds and from my mouth did I, I AM that I AM speak life to all living things, this Earth, this planet, this world is mine. It is I, I AM that I AM that formed man from the dust of the Earth and from the dust of the Earth did I, I AM that I AM create the first man and into this lifeless body did I, I AM that I AM breathe the first breath of life into man and man became a living being. It was with the greatest of love did I, I AM that I AM create this world and delivered this world to the man I created to rule over it and to steward this world according to my words and my laws was this world delivered unto man. I, I AM that I AM is the master of this vineyard which I, I AM that I AM named, the Earth. This world is one of the crowning achievements of all that I, I AM that I AM created and was created for your enjoyment, your pleasure and to bless all mankind according to my will, my laws and my words. I, I AM that I AM established the borders for all nations of mankind in the Earth and for all mankind did I, I AM that I AM establish these borders for my plans and my purposes. These plans and these purposes are mine and in my time will mankind fully understand why I, I AM that I AM create these borders for the nations to dwell within and within these borders that I established were the nations of mankind to dwell within and in accordance with all that I, I AM that I AM would direct these nations, through their leaders, to do for my will and for my plans for mankind. It has been written that you, the children of Ham were to serve your brothers and not in the manner in which has been falsely presented to you were you to serve. In so doing this service were your brothers, Shem and Japheth and their descendants, directed to share and deliver to you the fatness of the land if you continued to serve them in accordance with my will and my laws. How were you to serve your brothers? Have I, I AM that I AM not already showed you this service? This service was not to be as slaves, this service was not to be subjugating or dehumanizing nor was this service ever to make you less in my eyes that many other nations have falsely led you to believe. You were to stay within the borders of your nations which I gave to you. You were to follow my will and my laws. You were to recognize your brothers, Shem and Japheth and their descendants and you were to serve your brothers in the following manner. You were to serve as great artists and builders. You were to serve your brothers and their descendants with the knowledge that I, I AM that I AM would give to you to teach and instruct your brothers, Shem and Japheth and their descendants in the ways of the lands that I, I AM that I AM would lead them to, lands that I, I AM that I AM promised to Abraham and his descendants. Seek you now the truth of these words throughout the history of all nations and see the knowledge, the great knowledge that I, I AM that I AM gave to you. This knowledge which is the foundation of all modern knowledge in so many ways did I, I AM that I AM give to you this knowledge, writing, mathematics, agriculture, weaving, commerce and tools of all kinds did I, I AM that I AM give to you to share this knowledge with your brothers and their descendants and share this knowledge you did. This was my will in how you were to serve. As much as my words were delivered to you so were my words delivered to these descendants of Noah and Abraham to do my will and to do my will in accordance with all that I have spoken through the words of scriptures which I delivered through the mouths of my prophets. In all righteousness, truth, honesty and in accordance with my laws were they to do to you in all rightness. To Shem and the descendants of Shem was it given by me, I, I AM that I AM to spiritually represent me and my word throughout the generations of mankind were they to represent me and deliver my will, my words and my laws in all righteousness were they to do this service to me, of me and for me to bless mankind with my righteousness, my love and all that is right and good were they to represent me. Yet has Shem failed me. Shem has built among the nations a golden calf, a golden calf that mesmerizes all who gaze upon it in wonderment and awe. This great golden calf of the greatest apostasy and hypocrisy that has ever been since the evil one deceived my host and was cast out. Japheth, who was given to represent me in the wisdom of the sciences and practical knowledge, was Japheth given this blessing to increase mankind through knowledge of the sciences was Japheth charged to deliver to mankind throughout all the generations of mankind of the Earth. Even has Japheth failed me as he now presumes my place upon mankind through the betrayal of the knowledge of that which has been given to him to bless mankind does he now use this great knowledge to control mankind with deceit and unrighteousness does Japheth betray me and mankind and has poisoned the minds of his brothers with this great knowledge. Many are the words that have been delivered to you this moment, this hour, this day and these words have been given to you that you might understand my words, my promises and my blessings that I, I AM that I AM gives to you even now. Even in the times to come will I, I AM that I AM remember my promises to you if you will remember me in all that I, I AM that I AM has asked you to do through my words and my laws. FEAR YOU NOT EVER FEAR! Because I, I AM that I AM tells you this day, you and your nations are before me and they among you who follow my will, my words, and my laws will continue to enjoy those blessings which I have given to you and plan to give to you. You have been told as the children of Israel have been told that the hour of my retribution and judgment is upon this nation, South Africa and the nations of the world and so it is. It is soon to be a time of great death and confusion not only among the children of Israel who dwell within these lands of South Africa as I, I AM that I AM led them to dwell in accordance to the promises made to their forefather Abraham but also among you and your nations within my, yes MY VINEYARD, MY SOUTH AFRICA! During this time, many of you, the good children of Ham will seek me, my words and my laws and you will find my words and you will find me I, I AM that I AM. Remember what I have spoken to you through these hands to write to you. Remember these, the descendants of Israel during these times of death and destruction. Aid them in any manner that they may seek in the time of fleeing. Remember these children of Israel, the Boere, were never your enemy. You and your nations have been lied to by foreigners who seek only the mineral wealth of your lands and a wealth even greater than has been declared to you. These foreigners seek only the mineral wealth of your lands and will bring you death and destruction as they have already begun to do and have many of your brother and sisters already seen the cruel hand of their lying deceit to you. The Boere seeks only to plant and grow. It was never their desire to increase their wealth through these great mineral resources. These, the Boere sought only the great spiritual wealth and knowledge of me, I, I AM that I AM. I, I AM that I AM chose these, the Boere, since before the foundations of this world were laid, to do my will in the end times for the salvation of many throughout the world who will come to these shores. These, the Boere who were also chosen by me to be a standard by which all other nations will be judged because of their devotion to me, I, I AM that I AM. Aid them and bless them because in the time that I re-establish their nations, they will remember your good deeds and follow the leading of my Holy Spirit to keep you within the lands that I show them to give to you to dwell within that my blessings for you and your nations may continue. If you will not hear me and if you disobey me and do harm to these children of Israel, then shall you be removed from these lands that I, I AM that I AM greatly desires to give to you and continue to bless you if only you will believe and follow my words that I, I AM that I AM has delivered to you this moment, this hour, this day. I AM that I AM and my word and my words stand for all time.


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