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Message No 65 from Elohim to Lukaas van Hout on 24 October 2013

You shall repent, I, I AM that I AM will say this again with a love, my Divine love, a worried love for you, you shall repent, it is an easy thing to do, give it to me, ask me to show you how, ask me, I AM that I AM to give you a repentant heart. Have I, I AM that I AM not said to you, give me all your burdens and I, I AM that I AM will bear them for you and give you all that you ask even if you do not know me? You need only to give me this and say to me, I know you not I AM that I AM, help me to know you and I, I AM that I AM will show you and reveal myself to you. In all questions, concerns, complaints and yes even the greatest of doubts, GIVE THEM TO ME TO BEAR and I, I AM that I AM will show you and reveal even the least of these in my answers to you! Repent from your ways and return to me, I AM that I AM because the time is short. Because the time is short, I, I AM that I AM will increase the power of my Holy Spirit within your hearts to find this spirit of repentance quickly so that I, I AM that I AM may seal you to me. Without this seal you will not enter my kingdom, without this seal you will fall to the adversary and the door to salvation will be closed to you forever. Have I not said and told you and revealed to you in every possible way how much I love you! It is because of my love for you, my Divine love for you that I am calling to you now and increasing the power of my Holy Spirit to your hearts to seek this repentance. In this repentance will you find the beginning of the journeys that I, I AM that I AM has planned and prepared for you since the beginning and in these journeys will I, I AM that I AM reveal truths of such magnitude to you that your faith in me, your trust in me and your love in me will never be shaken so great it will be and must be in these and the times to come. It has been written that in these times, the adversary and his host will increase and be allowed by me to increase their presence in your world to complete all that has been foretold of the prophecies for your world and increase they will. As it has been written and foretold of these times when I, I AM that I AM will stand up once again for my people and all the world will know that I AM, so will the power of the adversary and his host be through their lying deceptions and lying miracles they are presenting and will present to the world to bewitch mankind. Repent and turn to me so that I, I AM that I AM may save you from the calamities and catastrophes about to befall your world. It is not my will, it is not within my Divine love that any should suffer or perish. As I, I AM that I AM has warned mankind since the fall and have shown you throughout your own history, those that have turned away from me and will perish because they chose to perish rather than to receive my love that I so wanted to give to them, so now, I AM that I AM, with the greatest of Divine love, now warns you, return to me my people, return to me my nations, return to me my houses of Israel, the final preparations are being made throughout the world to accomplish all that has been foretold and to the end. I AM that I AM, I love you so, return to me, return to me, return to me!


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