Hoofstuk 91

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Message No 91 to Lukaas van Hout on 23 November 2013

Why do you let the evil one tempt you so with feelings of guilt and dread at my words? Do you not yet see how cunningly he twists my appeals to your hearts and your inward spirits and turns these loving appeals from me to you into these feelings of dread and guilt? Dear children! MY CHILDREN! Why did you think I, I AM that I AM chose this Sabbath, my holy Sabbath, my day of rest that I, I AM that I AM gave to you to reveal those words of chastisement, admonishment and rebuke? Did you think I would let this joyous day of days pass without further words from me to comfort and encourage you? Do you remember what I said about this day? It was on this day, the seventh day that I, I AM that I AM rested from all my labors in creating your world and in this day I looked and saw that all was good before my eyes. I hallowed this day, sanctified this day and set this day aside for a perpetual remembrance of the day I rested when I created this world, the Earth. I created this day, a weekly day that all might come before me in this remembrance of all these good works and celebrate this day of rest with me in the creation of the Earth. This is why I chose this day to deliver those words of chastisement, admonishment and rebuke. I chose this day, my holy Sabbath rest to give you those words that you might understand that it is with the same love when I created this world, yes this same love, that I gave those words of chastisement, admonishment and rebuke to you. It is in love! Do you not remember the seventy seven times seven? What did I say to you of my mercy and forgiveness? Seventy seven times seven and beyond will I, I AM that I AM always forgive you when you repent and turn to me in the very moment that you repent and return to me will I always receive you back to me, each and every time! If I, your loving Father, chooses to chastise, admonish and rebuke you, it is with love! What parent among you, having a blind child, would leave this child alone in the wilderness among fierce and wild animals? Nay but not one of you would even consider doing such a thing! Yet you are in a wilderness, the wilderness of the evil one who seeks his vengeance upon you through every possible means that he and his evil host may find to torment you in his hatred of me. So yes, I, me I AM that I AM must chastise, admonish and rebuke as oft is necessary to keep you from these wild ravening beasts. In so doing my words will convict you and my words will chastise, admonish and rebuke you but never in these false emotions that the evil one seeks to tempt you away from me! If my words convict your hearts, remember the seventy seven times seven! Remember that my mercy and forgiveness is forever and that whatever you have done, I will forget in my ocean of forgetfulness the very instant you repent and return to me! There is no guilt! There is no dread! Those are the lies and deceptions of the evil one to lead you into feelings of despair, to turn you further from me. Receive these chastisements, admonishments and rebukes with an open heart, receive my chastisements, admonishments and rebukes with joy and gladness knowing that I love you so and am only strengthening you for those times yet to come. In those times and in that day will you rejoice with great joy and gladness for all these chastisements, admonishments and rebukes because in those days and at that time will you fully understand why these things had to be! Remember my Sabbath to keep it holy and remember my Sabbath in these chastisements, admonishments and rebukes knowing that they are one and the same with the same love and joy for you that I, I AM that I AM rejoiced at the first seventh day when the Earth was before me in all its newness and I looked and saw that it was good. Fear you no more of my chastisements, admonishments and rebukes, rather receive them with joy and gladness as you receive my Sabbath and desire my chastisements, admonishments and rebukes because they are my signs between me and you that I AM with you! I AM that I AM and I AM with you always in love!


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