Hoofstuk 64

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Message No 64 from Elohim to Lukaas van Hout on 24 October 2013

Daughter of Sion, Berg Sion, all my people, all my children, dwell and upon the foundation of Yeshuah, build my abode of my Divine Love and dwell within, with me, I AM that I AM. This is my Kingdom, the kingdom that I have always shown you through my words and scriptures. This is me, I AM that I AM and herein do I dwell and I, I AM that I AM invites you within this abode through the key of my Holy Spirit which can only open this door to my Divine love. It is this divine love that I, I AM that I AM is willing to share and give to all who ask through Yeshuah and to all who ask, the gift of my Holy Spirit to their spirits, hearts and souls. As I have shown this servant and many, many others, this Divine love, so now, I, I AM that I AM will show you! It is through this Divine love that even greater spiritual truth awaits you and even greater knowledge awaits you! It is this same Divine love that Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and others dwelt within that led them to the great truths that I, I AM that I AM gave to them and it is through this same Divine love that I, I AM that I AM is willing to give and share with all whose faith is great enough, contrite enough and humble enough to seek, accept and believe that I, I AM that I AM will share these great spiritual truths and knowledge. What? Some of you still think that I, I AM that I AM has said all that was needed to be said and that I, I AM that I AM has nothing more to say or reveal? Let you go of these false presumptions! They are the lies of the adversary whispered into your minds and hearts intended to keep you from this Divine love and all these truths that I, I AM that I AM has prepared for you for these times, those times, the times to come and times as of yet unseen. It is MY WILL, MY WILL, MY WILL that my creation of living beings, not only of man but of my host throughout the heavens, continue to learn greater and greater spiritural truths and knowledge throughout all eternity and throughout all eternity will these truths continue to expand to even greater heights of knowledge and spiritual , forever will they expand! They will expand to such heights of knowledge and truth that they cannot even begin to be imagined or imparted to you so great are these truths and the knowledge that I, I AM that I AM has planned and prepared for all of my creations. These same truths, this same spiritual knowledge that the adversary once had access to, these same truths, spiritual knowledge and much knowledge of the universe and my kingdom did the adversary once know and has been denied since he was cast from the heavens. It is these great truths and knowledge that the adversary has used against mankind to keep mankind in darkness and bondage that he and his demonic host has kept from mankind lest mankind discover the truth of Divine love and in this Divine love learn to recognize all the works of his demonic host. Then will the adversary and his demonic host become defeated of mankind through this knowledge of Divine love in all manner that he and his host came to know through the knowledge they had when they were cast from the heavens, this same knowledge that the adversary and his demonic host has used against mankind since the fall. This is part of the battle that has been waged against mankind since the fall in Eden and this is the darkness that the adversary has kept mankind imprisoned within, this darkness, a simple truth that is the light and the key to all that I, I AM that I AM, MY DIVINE LOVE, WHICH REVEALS ALL!


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