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Message No 159 to Lukaas van Hout on 20 February 2014

“Write my words, the words, write all of my words, I AM that I AM, write my words that I command upon and within your heart to write for me, write gently to my children of my Israel and my Daughter of Sion, my dear Daughter of Sion.”

“Remember you now and remember you always, MY House of Israel and MY Daughter of Sion, remember, I AM that I AM, YESHUAH and I AM the word, living, written and spoken I AM the word!

“Write gently and speak softly to my children because these words are the words of deep spiritual foreboding because these words are the words of the times of the confirmations before the times of the prophets to be fulfilled, yes these are the times of THE CONFIRMATIONS!.”

“Children of Israel, my children, Daughter of Sion know and understand, seek you these understandings of these times of the confirmations through my Holy Spirit to open your minds, to open your hearts, to open your spirits and to open your souls to these understandings that you might see and no longer be blinded by those Pharaohs both of this world and the worlds unseen.”

“Seek you these grave understandings through my Holy Spirit to open your minds, to open your hearts, to open your spirits and to open your souls to these understandings and knowledge of these times, these times of the confirmations.”

“Yes my children of my Israel and my Daughter of Sion this must be so to remove all doubt from you in these words that have been faithfully delivered to you through this servant from me, yes me, your loving Father yet also your creator, King of Kings and THE ALPHA and THE OMEGA, there is no other, this must be so to remove all doubt from you in these words, my words, yes ME, I AM that I AM, my words!”

“Remember you now and remember you always, MY House of Israel and MY Daughter of Sion, remember, I AM that I AM, YESHUAH and I AM the word, living, written and spoken I AM the word, I AM the word, I AM THE WORD!

“Many, many words have I given to you through this servant and many more yet remain to be given yet there must be times of silence from me from time to time for you to take the time to consider that which has already been given to you lest you forget as you often and will continue to do!”

“These times of those times of which you were warned are upon you and the times yet to be remain yet to come.”

“In these times, this time of the confirmations has been given to you to seek and to watch for these confirmations of the many words that I have given to you that you might know and believe, I AM!”

“Yes my children of my Israel and my Daughter of Sion this must be so to remove all doubt from you in these words that have been faithfully delivered to you through this servant from me, yes me, your loving Father yet also your creator, King of Kings and THE ALPHA and THE OMEGA, there is no other, this must be so for the restoration of your belief and faith in me and my words, I AM that I AM!”

“This must be so to increase your faith and belief in what is yet to be because of the many, many words yet to come, fearsome words of warnings, words of prophecy, words of instructions, words of encouragements, words of chastisements and words of admonishments, this must be so to increase your faith and belief in these words, MY WORDS!”

“Many confirmations of these words have already been shown to my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion and as I have already told you many, many more words will yet come and these will come exactly as I have spoken through these words that I have already given to you and the words which yet remain for these times of those times and the times yet to be.”

“In the times yet to be after these times of the confirmations, many, many more words will be given to this servant by my Holy Spirit.”

“These words will speak of people, times and events yet to be but these words that will speak of people, times and events yet to be will be words of which no doubt may be raised in their revealing and in their fulfilment.”

“Remember you now and remember you always, MY House of Israel and MY Daughter of Sion, remember, I AM that I AM, YESHUAH and I AM the word, living, written and spoken I AM the word and I AM the ONLY word!”

“Yes my children of my Israel and my Daughter of Sion this must be so to remove all doubt from you in these words that have been faithfully delivered to you through this servant and the many, many more words that will be given to you through this servant from me, yes me, your loving Father yet also your creator, King of Kings and THE ALPHA and THE OMEGA, there is no other!”

“This must be so to remove all doubt from you!”

“This must be so to continue my building of my Holy Nation within your hearts, within your minds, within your spirits and within your souls, this MUST BE SO!”

“Daughter, I speak now gently and lovingly as any Father would speak, I speak now directly to you!”

“Did I not warn you many, many weeks ago that you would be tried and that you would be tested?”

“Did I not remove from you and continue to remove from you they who have and they who will bring you harm?”

“Did I not warn you that these times of testing were to make you unshakable in your faith in me?"

“Did I not also tell you that you would not fall from these tests though it seemed that you might?"

“Yet did these tests come and as I warned you, tests that would shake your faith to its foundations and almost seeming to destroy you and you prevailed!”

“You my dearly loved daughter prevailed because you recognized the evil one and remembered my promises and my warnings and cried out to me and not only you but those among you that I delivered to you, all of you cried out to me and have made unto me the solid foundation of the rock of me I AM that I AM, Yeshuah!”

“I have been with you daughter every step of the way as I said that I would be watching, encouraging and strengthening you, Daughter, my foundation in me, I AM that I AM, Yeshuah.”

“Daughter, I speak now to you sternly but lovingly, dwell you not now nor dwell you not ever upon your failings, your misgivings, your weakness’s or your questions of self-guilt, dwell you not now nor dwell you not ever upon these things because these are the tools that the evil one whispers into your hearts, your minds, your spirits and your souls!"

"These, all of these tools and more are the tools that the evil one uses to attempt to bring about your destruction once he has weakened you, rather receive all of that which comes to you with joy now knowing that I, your loving Father is allowing these tests and trials to continue to increase your faith in me to continue this foundation of me I AM that I AM, Yeshuah within you and that I, he who places stars in the heavens to light worlds, yes ME who does all these things and more will never let you fall, no not EVER!”

“The times of which you have already been told, those times of prayers when you come together in my name, those times of deep spiritual prayers when you will dwell between the realms of this earth and the realms of my heavens with me in these prayers, nears”

“You have been faithful to me my daughter, you have loved me and you have loved my children and as I told you many, many weeks ago to expect blessings in manners in which you sought not and these came to pass so will it now be again and even greater than before that you might continue to know and to believe that these words, all of these words which are commanded upon, within and without this heart ARE MINE, ALL OF THEM MINE, me I AM that I AM, all of these words are mine and my word LIVES!”

”Remember, I told you, I AM JEALOUS FOR YOU, yes little children, I AM, jealous, for you!


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