Hoofstuk 80

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Message No 80 to Lukaas van Hout on 9 November 2013

As an expectant Father paces to and fro and as a person under great distress paces to and fro, so do I now pace to and fro in deep distress for my children, my people, my houses of Israel and my daughters of Sion. Yes I pace to and fro in my distress for all my people for the words of admonishment that I, I AM that I AM has delivered to you through this servant. Come, my children, walk with me this moment, walk with me this hour and walk with me this day now and for all time walk with me! I AM your loving Father that loves you so! Do you still not recognize my voice though I plead with your hearts through my Holy Spirit, every moment, every hour of every day and night? Every moment, every hour of every day and night do I plead with your hearts! Come let us reason together! Let us, you and I talk together that you might open your hearts to me, your loving father, I AM. If only you could know my love! If only you would build your dwelling within my love and abide therein with me! Then you would hear my voice! Then you would know my voice! Because my love for you speaks my love for you with all these words does my love for you cry out to your hearts to hear me, I AM. I love you so! Even with words of rebuke, words of admonishment and words of chastisement do I, I AM that I AM speak of my love for you through these words to awaken you to me and my love! Nor will I ever tire to tell you of my love and with each passing moment, of each passing hour of each passing day and night will I, I AM that I AM forever declare my love to you! I will speak this love to you forever! I will declare my love for you not only in words that are known to you but also in words that are as yet unknown to you will I declare my love to you! I will declare this love to you with my own mouth forever and forever! I, I AM that I AM speaks to these hands, that write my words, to tell you that I will also find new words to speak to your hearts of my love for you so great is my love and my ability to express my love! I will also love you with knowledge, wisdom and great spiritual truths that will continue to increase, abound and unfold to even greater heights and even greater horizons beyond the horizons throughout all eternity and beyond that which you think of as eternity will I, I AM that I AM increase your knowledge, wisdom and, spiritual understanding so great is my eternal knowledge! Eternal endless knowledge that never ceases! My eternal wisdom and the eternal spiritual truths that I, I AM that I AM will continue to redefine and create as one eternity passes to the next eternity and these eternities pass beyond the eternities will this knowledge continue to expand so vast and great is this knowledge and so vast and great is my power to create all that was, is and will be and beyond that which will be simply as an expression of my love for you! Come my children let us walk and talk together just you and me, I AM. Do you not remember the children of Adam in the days of Noah? They sought me not nor did they care for my love and knowledge that I wanted to share with them. They cared only for their personal gain in wealth and position among men for their own self-glory and self-righteousness before men so dark was their spiritual nature. Yet when the rains came and the waters began to rise they beat upon the door of the ark and the sides of the ark shrieking for salvation but not salvation from me and as I give salvation but from the death that was about to engulf them. As it was in those days of Noah, as it has been foretold, now so, it is, in these days, these days and the last days of mankind. Men were marring, giving in marriage, children were born, commerce continued daily, business as usual until the rains started and the waters rose and swept them all away. So now it is again in these days so darkened has the hearts of man become to me, I, I AM that I AM. The Ark and all that was written of the Ark was more than a story of a righteousness man’s salvation but it was given as a spiritual truth that you might recognize and know the Arks that I, I AM that I AM is building today through men for the safety of my people in these times and the times to come! The doors to these Arks are soon to close by my hand. As I closed the door to the Ark of Noah so will I close the door to these Arks of these days. These doors that I, I AM that I AM will close with my own hand are doors of spiritual knowledge that lead to these arks and this knowledge of these Arks and how to receive this knowledge comes only through the revealing power of my Holy Spirit. No man will enter these Arks except they who have sought the spiritual knowledge of these Arks through my Holy Spirit. My children let us continue to reason together! Consider how often mankind has read my words in the scriptures. Consider how often mankind has believed my words of these past deeds by me through mankind and my servants yet in these days they believe not. Come let us reason together. Cry you now out to me through the name I gave to you, Yeshuah with all humbleness of heart and ask me to reveal the truths of these matters to your hearts. Ask me to reveal this knowledge through my Holy Spirit and ask me to confirm your prayers to me. I will. I will hear you if you seek me with a humble heart, a contrite heart, a heart that seeks my love to love and a heart that seeks my knowledge, my wisdom and my spiritual truths with all sincerity to do my will on earth for my people and I, I AM that I AM will, through my Holy Spirit answer you and confirm your prayers to you! I WILL! But if you seek these things with a false heart, a lying heart, a slanderous and murderous heart, I will not hear you and I will not answer you but I, I AM that I AM will increase the power of my Holy Spirit to your hearts to convict you of these misdeeds until these convictions, moment by moment, cry out to your hearts of your deceptions to me from now to the end of the sealing and sifting of my people will my Holy Spirit convict you of your misdeeds attempting to repent you of these misdeeds. Come; let us reason together, you know, dear children, that these things must be so! You know within your hearts that the sifting of my children is no small matter! You know that this sifting will shake the spirit of mankind with the power of my Holy Spirit. You know that this shaking includes my words through those that I have chosen to cast asunder all hearts of deception through the sword of the righteousness of my words! You know dear children this must be so to complete this sifting and with the power of my might and with the power of my Holy Spirit will these that I have chosen to speak and write my words, cut asunder these wicked hearts with the truth of my words to cast them out from among my people! Come now, let us reason together my dear children, my deeply loved children, let us reason together, you know these things must be, to purify my people! You know these things must be to prepare my people to do my will now and in the times to come! Yes, I know my sons and my daughters, yes; I know that this hurts you! Yes I know of the great fear and distress this has caused you! My child, my dear child hear my words as I have said to you with all my love, it must be so! Come children you and I, me, I, I AM that I AM creator of all, come you and I and let us reason together and understand that my word since from before the world was, must be! My word must come to fulfillment! My words must complete the tasks of your people and of your world as I have said them to you throughout your generations, they must be! Know my dear children and prepare your hearts because this is only the beginning of this sifting of the hearts of mankind. Know dear children that even greater words of admonishments, chastisements and rebukes are even now being prepared for you through this and many more of my servants. These servants, my servants, these who I have prepared all their lives for these tasks am I, I AM that I AM preparing to speak and write these words, my words, through them, to you. These servants are they who fear not to write any of my words that I have prepared for the sifting and deliverance of my people. These servants serve me for the love of me and for the love of my people do these servants serve me in all that I ask of them and fear not any of the acts of mankind upon them so great is their desire and their love to do my will for my people. Dear children, yes these words; this powerful sword of the righteousness of my truth and my words is even now being prepared by me for you so that you are completely reformed into my image and my truth and my righteousness to stand in the evil days to come and stand you will! No power of darkness will shake this foundation that I will build you upon for me. Let us reason together because you know, as I have told you many times that I, I AM that I AM, your loving father will admonish, chastise and rebuke my people! You know these things and as you know these things, you also know that many, many more words will delivered to you through my servants to write and speak to you of my love, my instructions, my teachings, my knowledge and my wisdom and the great spiritual truths that I, I AM that I AM has prepared for you since the beginning of time for these and the times to come! You know that I, I AM that I AM will deliver these and all these words to you each at the appointed time and each at the appointed day will my words be delivered to you because I LOVE YOU AND AM WITH YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER! Dear children, you know these things, you know these words, my words from whomever I send to give them to you. You know my words! I have placed them within your hearts through my Holy Spirit! They are already written there as I said they would be written! Find them through my Holy Spirit and when you find them you will know my voice through my words that I deliver to you through my servants from that moment on and for all time and never again will you be blind or deaf to my words, yes dear children, my children, MY WORDS, I AM that I AM.


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