Hoofstuk 169

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Message No 169 to Lukaas van Hout on 06 April 2014

“Yes, I, me, Yeshuah, I AM that I AM, Yeshuah HaElohim, I have poured out my Holy Spirit among you and from my Holy Spirit have all those things which I promised to give to you in these times, have now begun to be seen among you.”

“To some it has been given to prophesy, to others, to dream dreams and yet to others, to speak or to write my words as I give them to you through my Holy Spirit for mankind and that through all these gifts of the out pouring of my Holy Spirit would mankind be blessed, edified and led back to me, their loving Father before the end of this world.”

“So many more blessings have I poured out among mankind and so many more blessings am I yet to pour out for these times, the times of the Prophets and the times yet to be.”

“This outpouring of my Holy Spirit among you is to be a time of great joy and wonder as I prepare the redeemed of this Earth for these times, the times of the prophets and the times yet to be to the end of the world”

“I speak now to those who have received my blessings through this great out pouring of my Holy Spirit, they who have received these gifts and turned from me.”

“Understand you not my commandments? “

“Understand you not what I have said to you through my living, written and spoken word of these commandments?”

“Understand you not my commandments, the commandments of me, yes me, I AM that I AM, creator of all that is, MY COMMANDMENTS, the commandments of the living ELohiym?”

“Yet will I repeat them here because grave is this warning to you, you who have received these blessings from my Holy Spirit and yet trample these blessings underfoot through your sin that you seek not to even hide but flagrantly display for all to see and for all to see how you transgress my commandments though I have greatly blessed you through the out pouring of my Holy Spirit and spiritually enriched you.”

Exodus 20:1-7

20:1 And Elohim spoke all these Words, saying,

20:2 “I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery.

20:3 “You have no other mighty ones against My face.

20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,

20:5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,

20:6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.

20:7 “You do not bring1 the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught. Footnote: 1Or lift up, or take.

Do you not remember or have you forgotten that I spared not the world of Noah but punished the all of mankind at that time for their great sins before me?”

Do you not remember or have you forgotten that I prevented Moses from entering the Promised Land because he heeded not my commands?”

Do you not remember or have you forgotten that I spared not the angels that rebelled against me and cast them out?”

Who are you oh man or woman who has received these gifts from me and have spat them back into my face through your open rebellions and continued sin to serve the satan and all his false idols whatever they might be in your life?”

Who are you?”

Who do you dare think you are to do such things to my face?”

You have become as lucifer in the day that he arrogantly declared to raise his throne above mine.”

You who have received these gifts from me!"

"You who were to faithfully and reverently represent me to those to who you were sent!"

"You who have chosen the temptations of this life over me and all that I had given to you and so much more was I going to give to you, you who have failed me and turned from me for the love of sin.”

Think not that your deeds have gone unseen!”

You have betrayed me and you have become as judas and lucifer to me.”

You have traded me for a bag of silver, yes for a bag of silver you have traded me and made all that I had had planned for you come to naught through your misdeeds.”

You have arrogantly and spitefully set your false thrones of the sins, temptations and idols of this world above my throne of infinite mercy and grace!”

Are you yet so blind that you cannot or will not see the grave danger in which you have placed your selves naked before my throne of Judgements?

Are you yet so blind that you cannot or will not see that I will hold the greater accountability to you for having done these things before my throne in your spite and arrogance?

Yes, I will hold all of those of mankind accountable for the gifts that were entrusted to them and those that turned from me and each will be judged and punished or rewarded according to his works.”

Yet will I send forth my Holy Spirit to your hearts to plead with you to return to me and all that I have planned for you because I love you.”

You are my children and it is my will that you receive me back into your hearts, your minds, your spirits and your souls!"

Yes this is my will because you know not of the great abyss, a great spiritual abyss of death which lies before you that you have created in your betrayal of me.”

Why do you so willing choose death over the abundant, eternal life of love that I so long to give to you!”


Seek you now me with all of your hearts and with all of your souls.”

Let me, your loving Father, receive you back before that one last step takes you over the edge and into the abyss of darkness and death from which there is no return.”

Return to me my erring little children while I may yet be found because in the times yet to be when death flees from mankind, your betrayal of me and your denial of me in these words calling you back to me, will be more than can be imagined if you refuse me now.”

In those times yet to be you will seek this fleeing death daily so great will your remorse be at having denied me and as has been written, death will flee from you!”

Seek me my little children that I so love, seek me now, I yet wait to receive you back and will restore you, I AM that I AM.”


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