Hoofstuk 81

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Message No 81 to Lukaas van Hout on 10 November 2013

Hear me now oh houses of Israel! Hear me now my children! Hear me now my daughters of Sion, HEAR ME, I, I AM that I AM! Did I not tell you through the prophets that in the latter days the world would come to know me and my name, the same name that I, I AM that I AM spoke to Moses, I AM that I AM? AND DID I NOT TELL YOU THESE THINGS through the hands of this servant that I, yes me, I AM that I AM, have I spoken of myself I, I AM that I AM and I AM and I AM! He who was before there was! He who is and will be and beyond the will be’s I, I AM that I AM speaks through these hands. I have warned you and warned you, they who shepherd and they who lead, I have warned you! You shall now see my power! You will tremble before my power and you will weep at my power! I, I AM that I AM has begun the sifting as I warned you! I warned you of these and many other things to come through these hands and others have I and did I, I AM that I AM WARN YOU! I warned you that they within and they without the camps of my children would curse my children and my camps and my houses of Israel and Daughters of Sion where so ever they might be! These warnings were to prepare you for the sifting and the shaking that will now come to pass! I will shake you oh my people and I, I AM that I AM will bring you prostrate before me in tears and supplications to me to turn from this shaking so frightful it will be! It must be! It must be, because my children, MY CHILDREN! YES MY, I, I AM that I AM, MY CHILDREN suffer because they of you who shepherd and lead and they of you who turn a blind eye, fail to follow my laws and fail to cast out those among you through whom the satan seeks to devour you! Did I not warn you of these things? Did I not tell you long ago through the prophets of old, through myself, me, yes me, I AM that I AM when I came to you as Yeshuah and the prophets afterwards, did I, I AM that I AM not tell you of these things and warn you of these things? And now, through these hands, did I, I AM that I AM speak to you also of these warnings and to warn you to cast these, the wicked, they who openly sin and refuse to repent, did I not tell you, through these hands to cast them from you! Yet you heard me not, yet you refused to obey my laws, you refused to see these, they who openly sin and they who do this great evil among you, do you yet allow among you! My children! My children, YES MY CHILDREN, cry out to me day and night suffering in sprit and body because of these transgressors! Do you value these evil doers more than you value MY CHILDREN! WHO ARE YOU OH MAN OF MAN AND MEN OF MEN TO DEFY ME IN SUCH MATTERS WHEN I, I AM THAT I AM HAS SO RICHLY BLESSED YOU? WHO ARE YOU OH MAN OF MAN AND MEN OF MEN TO ALLOW SUCH THINGS TO MY CHILDREN! Yet because I have plans, my plans and my purposes for you, fear not neither be dismayed I, I AM that I AM loves you. I have allowed these things to awaken all of you to the dangers of allowing evil through any one, among you and among your camps where so ever they might be found. Now I will reveal more of my plans and more of my purposes in these matters. I have already raised up they who will speak and do as Elijah, these fear not to cast any of these children of satan from my children, my camps, my houses of Israel, my Daughters of Sion! Remember, MY SHEPHERDS AND MY LEADERS, I CHOSE YOU! Now I am going to rebuke, admonish and chastise you, that my work in you, may be complete because great are the trials which will befall you as you lead and shepherd my people through this and the dark valleys yet to come! Yes my leaders and yes my shepherds, these rebukes, admonishments and chastisements will cause you great pain and distress of your hearts and souls as I lead you to the humble and repentant heart that you must continually bear through these and the times to come to continue the spiritual Jacobs ladder between me and you for these times to come. Prepare for this shaking, know that it is with the greatest of my love that this must be so because what I have planned for you spiritually, is beyond what you may yet even begin to imagine so great are my plans and purposes for you! Know you my leaders and know you my shepherds, know you that when I, I AM that I AM has finished rebuking, admonishing and chastising you, know you this, leaders and shepherds, know you that when I, I AM that I AM has finished this task among you, the joy that I will fill you with and the great spiritual truths that I, I AM that I AM will bestow upon you, will cause the hair of many of your heads to turn white. You, at the end of these trials will stand in my presence spiritually when I bestow these and the other gifts I have prepared for you at the end of my rebuking, admonishing and chastising of you. As I have told you, this will bring you great pain and in great sorrow will you cry out to me and in great agony of heart will you repent of your deeds and humble yourself before me during my rebuking, admonishing and chastising of you. Know and believe that I, I AM that I AM is with you! I will personally hold your hand through the trials about to befall you and I, I AM that I AM WILL NOT LET YOU FALL though it may seem and though it may feel as though I have left you, remember ME, I, I AM that I AM, yes ME, I, I AM THAT I AM creator of all things, he who emerged from the forever and eternal abyss of nothingness before there was, as pure love, then, now and forever I, I AM that I AM is with you! You are my sons and my daughters! Yes, my punishment may seem severe but know that at the end of my rebuking, admonishing and chastising of you, you will fully understand why these things had to be. These rebukes, admonishments and chastisements are to bring you into perfection before my eyes and in absolute purity of mind, body and soul to obey my commandments, obey my laws and obey my word and my words so complete will this work in the purification of you be! It must be so because in the times to come, must you always and ever remain and continue in my presence every moment of every hour of every day and night must you be in my presence to continually receive my words from where so ever I might send them and when so ever I might send them, some, from me, directly to your hearts and some, from those that I send to you. So great will this purification be that you will ever fasten your eyes, your ears and your hearts upon me in this continual spiritual gaze between me and you. These things must be so, for you that I have chosen, as my leaders and my shepherds to guide my people and be ever diligent in all things through these and the times to come. My shepherds, my leaders, and yes, my children, my houses of Israel, my daughters of Sion, know that during these times of my rebuking, admonishing and chastising of you, it will seem as though I have left you as you find yourself in these vast spiritual deserts without horizons of loneliness, sorrow and despair yet remember, I will be with you! I, I AM that I AM has prepared these spiritual deserts, for me to be alone with you so that I, I AM that I AM may lay your hearts wide open to remove all that offends me from you in the tasks that I am preparing for you to do as I have told you. Know that more words will come to you from me to you through whomever I choose to bring you these words, I will bring you my word even as I speak directly to your hearts I, I AM that I AM, I, will bring you my words! Know that I will refresh you, comfort you and encourage you along these paths and will never leave you as I have told you! Now write my words, yes MY WORDS, I, I AM that I AM write my words to these leaders and these shepherds and remind them of those among my children who I have already prepared with the spirit of Elijah now and in the times to come and in the latter times have I, I AM that I AM prepared many Elijah’s for you. Remember these words my leaders and my shepherds; remember to empower these Elijah’s to do my will in the removal of these wicked and evil children of the satan who are as the starving hyena among you! These who seek only to devour you through the continual, wanton desires of their lusts and the continual, wanton desires of their evil hearts and imaginations, these evil and wicked children of satan, these children of satan who are, as they, in the days of Noah and seek only to fulfill the evil of their hearts and imaginations continually. Remember you also as I spoke through the prophet Joel, I will restore the years the locust has eaten. I, I AM that I AM!


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