Hoofstuk 162

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Message No 162 to Lukaas van Hout on 22 February 2014

“Write now my words to my Boere.”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that I told you that there is a season for all things and that the season to beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears is almost upon you?”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that I told you to give to me all of that which I gave to you including your vineyards and that I would restore to you even more and restore to you greater vineyards then before?”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten these words?”

“Go you now my Boere, go you now to your lands, go you now to your flocks, go you now to your fields all of that within your vineyards, go you now and in your hearts give all of these vineyards to me, I AM that I AM, give all of your vineyards to me so that you will be spiritually prepared for what is to come and what will come for the deliverance of my House of Israel, give all of your vineyards to me.”

“Remember my promise to you Boere, remember my promise to you that in the times yet to be after your deliverance, I will restore these vineyards to you and more and greater than before, I will restore these vineyards to you!”

“Do you not remember, or have you already forgotten that I AM your loving Father!”

“I AM your loving Father!”

“I AM your loving Father!”

“I know those words at that time were received with great trepidation and with great consternation!”

“Did you think that I would leave you with those thoughts?”

“Did you really think these things my Boere, so loved by me, did you really think that I would make the choice to serve me in my will for my House of Israel difficult for you?

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that I have told you in every possible way that I love you and that my burdens are light?”

“Such was my will for my plans and for my purposes for my House of Israel; such was my will for my plans and for my purposes for my House of Israel to give you a time to consider my words.”

“I gave you this time to consider my words to you to prepare you for these hearts of hate and the minds, the souls and the spirits that I AM now preparing for you through my Holy Spirit for the times to come.”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten my words?

“Consider you deeply these words from among man;


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.


“Did you not consider these words deeply as I asked you to do?”

“Where in my Kingdom could such hate ever be when I AM love?”

“Do you yet not know me or understand my words?”

“This is not the hate as the world knows hate!”

“This is my wrath and this is my indignation of which mankind and these evil ones were warned!”

“This is my apocalyptic wrath and this is my apocalyptic indignation!”

“This is the hate, the anger, the anger of the indignation of a righteous and Holy Elohiym of Love against all and any who oppose me and they who oppress my children!”

“This is the hate, the anger, the anger of the indignation of a righteous and Holy Elohiym of Love that has borne every single suffering of mankind since the fall!”

“As the world has already been told, for over two thousand years have I shared my love and my grace with mankind and with the greatest of INCALCULABLE love and with the greatest of INCALCULABLE forbearance have I withheld my wrath against the unspeakable sufferings of my people from they of the evil one who troubles my people so.”

“For over two thousand years have I pleaded with the hearts of mankind as to why they should love me and why mankind should seek my love!”

“Now will mankind come to understand why they need to fear me, YES ME, I AM THAT I AM, now will mankind come to understand why they need to fear me!”

“Consider you deeply and understand that this is not hate as the world knows hate!”

”This is my anger, MY RIGHTEOUS ANGER, the anger of a righteous and Holy Elohiym of Love, an anger of a loving Father that I will place within your hearts to accomplish my will for my plans and for my purposes for my House of Israel within and without MY SOUTH AFRICA!”

“This anger, MY ANGER, that I, yes me, I AM that I AM, this anger, MY ANGER, THE ANGER OF A LOVING FATHER will begin within the season of mourning within your hearts and within this season of mourning will you, my Boere cry out to me in the great pain of your anguish and distress from this great death and with a mighty voice declare, ENOUGH!”

“In that day and in that time will you willing and with great fury, my fury, you will willingly beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears with great haste will you beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears."

“In that day and in that time will you willing and with gladness give to me all those things that I have asked you to give to me so great will be the wrath that I will place within your hearts against they which trouble my people so.”

“The Boere of your great war will be again and this time will the Boere be imbued with and empowered through my Holy Spirit and my Host which will be with my Boere, I AM that I AM, I AM!


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