Hoofstuk 190

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Message No 190 from Elohim to Lukaas van Hout on 3 Julie 2014

 “Dear ones, have I not told you or have you already soon forgotten my words given to you through this servant that I would remove the reason from the minds of these who oppress my House of Israel and my Daughter of Sion both within and without the borders of my South Africa?”

“Yet you still call out to men to save you from this impending doom”

“Yet do you still cry out one to another for your salvation”

“Yet do you still look to the leaders of man instead of me, I AM that I AM creator of all things!”

“Turn your faces now to me!”

“Turn your hearts now to me!”

“All that you are, give to me and turn to me, I AM that I AM, I AM the Ha-Aryei Mishevet Yehudah the only Ha-Aryei Mishevet Yehudah, the Lion of Judah!”

“Do you not remember or have you already forgotten that I have told you that I will deliver you as I promised you through those prophets which I sent to you from long ago and those that I have sent to you in these times!”

“Consider the children at play, they care not nor do they even consider the woes and troubles of this world as you do!”

“Dear ones, be as these little children and know that I, yes me I AM that I AM, I will deliver you as I have promised you that I would.”

“Seek you now me in all of your affairs of these times!”

“Seek you the answers from me and I, I AM that I AM, Ne'eman V'Yashar, Faithful and true one, the only Ne'eman V'Yashar, I will hear you and I will answer you!”

“Did I not safeguard Moses through his childhood with the presence of his own mother, Miriam?”

“And so will I safeguard you to the times of the restoration as I have promised you!”

“I will lead you in all of your concerns as you lead your own children in all of their concerns!”

“Turn your faces now ONLY to me!”

“Turn your hearts now ONLY to me and I, Ne'eman V'Yashar, Faithful and true one, I will lead you to the promised land of the restoration.”

“Turn your faces now ONLY to me!”

“Turn your hearts now ONLY to me and I will be there as Miriam was there for her child, Moses.”

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply those words that I would remove the reason from the minds of them who oppress you so and I have just as I have told you that I would.”

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply that their reason fails them more and more with each passing day and as the plague of darkness fell upon Egypt so shall this plague of spiritual darkness of the loss of their reason continue within and without this House of Pharaoh which oppresses my people so. “

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply that this plague of darkness will befall the whole house of this Pharaoh in my South Africa even to the lowest official will the reason that my holy spirit gave to them, depart from them and their error and inability to reason will astound even their own people.”

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply that these things must be so to fulfill the words of the prophets to the times of the restoration.”

“The loss of their reasoning is the beginning of the troubling this winter will bring, this winter that you were warned about through the prophets to these times, a winter of bitter cold and not only a winter of spiritual coldness but also a bitterly cold winter of nature and all that it brings.”

“My words live and my words are true and my words will be fulfilled as I have spoken to you through my prophets and all of these that I have sent to you!”

“I AM that I AM, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh!”


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