Hoofstuk 102

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Message No: 102 given to Lukaas van Hout on 4 December 2013

Yes, tell them the vision of the light, a great light, a shining light, a beacon that will be seen both of the heart and spirit will this light be seen. This light, the light of my Holy Spirit, this beacon of my Holy Spirit will and has begun to shine above my Daughter of Sion; it is seen but not seen. It shines but not yet to beckon. Yet must this daughter be prepared for these times, the times to come and the return of her sisters to her in the times, that me, yes me I AM that I AM, the times that I have prepared for her sisters to come and for some of her sisters to return to her and dwell with her, this, my Daughter of Sion, Berg Sion, my dwelling of love as of yet unknown to many so great that it is, this Philadelphia of my ark, shall your sisters come and return. Some of these sisters are dressed in the fashions of the world, in the grace and beauty of the world are some of these sisters clothed yet do they know that their hearts are empty and yet do they know that they are spinstered and have wandered far from the truth of my light, my beckoning light of my Holy Spirit that these sisters will see from afar and from afar they will they begin to come and seek what I, I AM that I AM has placed within their hearts in the knowing that my Ark of my Daughter of Sion contains that which they seek. These sisters shall come both from within South Africa and from other nations will they come dressed and clothed in all their finery and beauty of the world will they come seeking my wisdom, truth, knowledge and above all, my love form their sister, Daughter of Sion. Daughter of Sion, I speak directly to you now, in this moment, through this servant that writes as my Holy Spirit leads him to write do I, I AM that I AM now speaks to you directly. Know and understand that your sisters, these other daughters of Sion, that are soon to visit you, yes these sisters dressed and clothed in all their finery and beauty of the world, this finery and this beauty are those doctrines, beliefs and traditions that have been bestowed upon them by the powers of darkness. In their vanity do they with great pride, pompously strut before the world thinking themselves as having been clothed by me. When these sisters come to visit you, see not their finery or their beauty seek only to welcome them as your sisters and seek only to share with them the great love that I, I AM that I AM has shown to you. Many of these sisters will believe, many more will not, some will bless you in the world and some will curse you in the world but know Daughter of Sion, this is for my plans and my purposes as I have told you to make to you as a light to the world and to make you become known to the world. Do you not yet know or fully understand that you have been chosen by me, I AM that I AM? Yes, you have been chosen by me as the beginning of the habitation of me, I AM that I AM, my word, my law and the knowledge of me, my glory and my power to my people, my children, my houses of Israel and my daughters of Sion and in the fullness of time, to the world! Have you never considered why you were led to this place by me, I AM that I AM? Have you never considered that your house dwells near that great city, the city that I chose, the city that was, is and will be a star among your nations, yes this city that has been my city to show you signs and to teach you of me, I AM that I AM through this city? Have you never considered the symbolism of the living waters which I, I AM that I AM directed to your house? All these things and more yet to be revealed are signs and confirmations from me of this great calling and confirmation of my plans and my purposes for you, Daughter of Sion. Yes, I know that you are wounded. I know that you hurt and I know that you suffer from they among you, your loved and invited guests, yes these who have wounded you so. Fear not, neither be dismayed Daughter of Sion. These things must be so to make you without blemish before me for my plans and my purposes for the times yet to come. In those days and at that time you will be blessed and blessed in manners which you cannot even begin to imagine these blessings, blessings of bounty and blessings of great spiritual truths, wisdom and knowledge. So great will these spiritual blessings be, that many of you will fall to the earth prostrate weeping with great joy at all that I will share and reveal to you so great will be what I, I AM that I AM has planned and prepared for you. Have you already forgotten or do you not remember that I warned you and will always warn you to prepare you to stand against the attacks of the evil one? Have you already forgotten that I told you that nothing may happen to you that I do not allow! This is to prepare you for what is to come so that you will come to see and know the powers of darkness in all their forms. In those days and at that time will your faith in me be so great that there will not be the smallest of doubts or a moment of hesitation between me and you and the answers that I, I AM that I AM will instantly give to you so great will this spiritual gaze be between me and you! Do you not remember and have you already forgotten that I have told you that these times of admonishments, chastisements and rebukes would come? Do you also not remember or have you already forgotten that I, I AM that I AM would also send you words of encouragement and words of comfort to continue to strengthen you? Look you now backwards and see how far you have already come in my name and how through your prayers, I, I AM that I AM has answered you! Fear not neither be dismayed, the burdens of your hearts at these admonishments, chastisements and rebukes will lessen and in the times to come will you receive these admonishments, chastisements and rebukes with joy. Look you now and share the vision of your sisters with this servant because I have sent forth my Holy Spirit among you to also see this vision of your sisters, these sisters, dressed in all the finery of the world and also these sisters who dwell in the wretched places and are clothed in garments of rags and covered with the dust of their pain and anguish. See them! These sisters, these wretched sisters will come to you with great humbleness and sincerity because in their wretchedness has my Holy Spirit been working to fully open their hearts to you to receive the knowledge, the great spiritual truths and wisdom which I have already shown to you and will reveal even more to you to share with these sisters and with these sister alone will you share this great spiritual truth, knowledge and wisdom. These sisters, look you now with and through the eyes of my Holy Spirit, look you now with love and pity and see them coming to you in the distance with great sadness bearing their suffering, pain and woe and with great anguish from the burdens of the world. Yet these sisters are coming to you with great hope in their eyes because they are already coming to you and reaching out to you. Feed them, comfort them and above all love them because great is their pain from the wretchedness that the evil one daily curses them with. Remember their hearts have been prepared by my Holy Spirit to receive my love and receive my love they will with great joy and thanksgiving. Remember you also that in the days of their wretchedness, in their days having been dressed in rags, these have acquired great knowledge of the world, knowledge of the powers of darkness and great faith. These bring with them this knowledge and through my Holy Spirit will I, I AM that I AM perfect this knowledge. This knowledge will become a great blessing to you and these sisters will become a great joy to you in the fullness of time when I, I AM that I AM removes the wretchedness that the evil one has cast upon them and kept them in bondage. I, yes me I AM that I AM will also remove the rags of lies of their tortured lives that the evil one clothed them in bondage and I will dress them in the finery of my word and the beauty of my word. In the fullness of time, will these sisters bring you, daughter of Sion, great joy. You shall be as loving sisters and you shall delight in my word and my love as you become one Daughter of Sion, my Daughter of Sion, my beginning of my light, through you, to the world as it has been written so shall and so will it be, I AM that I AM


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