Hoofstuk 119

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Message No 119 to Lukaas van Hout on 17 December 2013

 “Whom seek you?”

“Seek you Lukaas or seek you me?”

“Whom seek you?”

“Seek you me through my words and seek you not now nor seek you not ever the name of any servant who does my will because it is MY WORK among you!”

“Seek you me through these words through my Holy Spirit, or seek you only to judge and condemn these words?” ” Yes, these words, my words, I AM that I AM, MY WORDS!”

“That which you seek in this spirit of judgment and condemnation, yes that which you seek, you shall find and in great abundance will you and shall you find in great abundance the judgments and condemnations of which you seek but not the judgments and condemnations which you think to find.”

“The judgments and condemnations which you continually seek to find within these words through your deceitful and lying hearts in your false service to me, yes these same judgments and condemnations you shall find but that which you find, will be the judgments and condemnations against you, yes, that is what you will find!”

“These words and all of the words have I, I AM that I AM spoken and commanded through my Holy Spirit upon and within the heart of this servant to write my words to all my people, all my children, all my houses of Israel, all my daughters of Sion and MY Daughter of Sion!” “Yes all of these words has this servant been commanded by me through my Holy Spirit to write my words to you!”

“Now shall you, obedient servant, write my words with the skills of writing my words shall you and will you write my words, all of my words that I, I AM that I AM commands upon and within your heart to write for me through my Holy Spirit, you will write for me now and in the times to come, in the manner in which I have told you to write, you will write.”

“Yes obedient servant, now shall you and now will you write my words with the skills of writing my words shall you and will you write my words, YES MY WORDS, I AM that I AM, MY WORDS!”

“You will and you shall write all my words as my Holy Spirit commands upon and within your heart to write for me.”


“In the times past you obeyed me and wrote as I, yes me, I AM that I AM commanded you to write and in the form of writing did I, I AM that I AM command you to write my words in the manner in which I commanded you to write.”

“Even against the curses and damnations for the manner in which you wrote my words as I directed, yes even against these curses and damnations and in love, my love for my people, did you continue to write my words in all obedience though in so doing has your heart been grieved these many months from all these curses and damnations for the manner in which I gave you my words to write.”

“Yes these many months have you written my words in the manner in which I commanded you to write my words through my Holy Spirit which commanded my words upon and within your heart to write my words for me, I AM that I AM.“

“Now will I, I AM that I AM give you and all of you the understanding in these matters and why this was so.”

“This was so, that I, YES ME, I, I AM THAT I AM, this was so that I might admonish and chastise the Scribes and Pharisees among you who think me to write or speak in a manner that these of mere mortal men think that I should write or speak.”

“Hypocrites and self-righteous are these Scribes and Pharisees among you who dare to presume the manner in which I, YES ME, I AM that I AM, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob and all that is, was and shall be yes, me, I AM THAT I AM YESHUAH, hypocrites and self-righteous are these Scribes and Pharisees among you who dare to presume the manner in which I, yes me I AM that I AM speaks to my people, MY CREATION!”


“Hypocrites and self-righteous are these mere mortal men who dare to presume the manner in which I may speak to MY PEOPLE, MY CHILDREN, MY HOUSES OF ISRAEL AND MY DAUGHTERS OF SION!”

“Their end shall and their end will be according to their own works and the many judgments, condemnations and damnations these self-righteous Scribes and Pharisees have spoken and secretly committed against any and all of those that I CHOOSE and deliver to my people, my children, my houses of Israel and my daughters of Sion according to MY WILL.” “Yes, their end shall be according to these deeds!”

“This has been so, that I, YES ME, I, I AM THAT I AM, this has been so to reveal the true nature, the true hearts and the true spirit of these among you who come in my name but are of he who opposes me, the satan.”

“These are the starving wolves of which I spoke, the starving wolves in sheep’s clothing!”


“This was so to reveal the true nature of their dark hearts and lying tongues to all my people, all my children, all my houses of Israel, all my daughters of Sion!”

“This was so to mark one of the many beginnings of the sifting and cleansing of all my people.”

“This was so to teach all my people and to give all my people my spiritual understanding and my spiritual wisdom that all my people will need in these times, the times to come and the times yet to be.’

“This has been so to open the eyes of my people in the spiritual discernment that I promised to give to all my people so that my people would begin to know my voice, would begin to trust my voice and begin to hear my voice clearly and without any doubt because in these times, the times to come and the times yet to be, must my people know my voice so that my people are never misled again!”

“This must be so to begin my holiness in my people!”

“Yes me, I, I AM that I AM will again state to you, all of you, all my people, all my children, all my houses of Israel, all my daughters of Sion, I will again state to you that all of this has been so to reveal the true nature of the dark hearts and the lying tongues of these who have and those who will come falsely in my name to all my people to deceive my people and to lead my people away from me, my word and my law!”

“If these Scribes and Pharisees had truly come in my name and in my love and sought me through all of these words, then would my Holy Spirit have shown them all that they might learn and all that might be understood and all the spiritual wisdom of all of these words that I have spoken through my Holy Spirit to the heart of this servant to write these words, my words!” “Yes, my Holy Spirit would have shown them all that they might learn and all that might be understood from all of these words!”

“If these Scribes and Pharisees among you had in all humbleness, sincerity and love, sought me in these words, then these Scribes and Pharisees among you, would have found me!”

“If these Scribes and Pharisees among you had in all humbleness, sincerity and love, sought me in these words then they would have heard my voice!”

“Did I not tell you these things?”

“Did I not warn you and plead with you to seek my kingdom in these manners?”

“Did I not oft tell you and did I not oft warn you to seek me in all love, humbleness and sincerity and in all diligence as brothers, loving brothers and loving sisters to seek me and my kingdom?”

“Did I not tell oft tell you with the greatest of love that if you, in all humbleness, sincerity and love would seek me, then you would find me but only in all humbleness, sincerity and love will any of you ever find me, I AM that I AM”

“Why do you yet murmur against me and why do you murmur against those that I have sent in my name to speak and write my word to you that will lead you from Egypt?”

“Why do you murmur Scribes and Pharisees?”

“Have I not done many, many wonderful things for you?”

“Have I not blessed you?”

“Have I not led you from the apostasies of your forefathers and into the light of my love and truth?”

“Great and wonderful have been my works for you, yet still you murmur!”

“Think you not now nor think you not ever that the secrets of your vain hearts are hidden from my Holy Spirit!”

“I know the vanities of your hearts you Scribes and Pharisees who lie to my people for your own vanities!”


“I know that you falsely teach my word and teach my law and teach my love with great deceit to my people, my children, my houses of Israel and my daughters of Sion, yes, I, me, I AM that I AM knows of this great deceit in which you teach my children!”

“Yet you still think in your hearts, but Father, look at all of our works that we have done in your name!”

“Look how we teach your Law!”

“Look and see how we have prepared the people for the times to come!”

“I say to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, liars, yet do you lie to me and yet do you lie to your own vain hearts!”

“You have betrayed me!”

“You have lied to yourselves and to me through all of these false works that you have done in my name!”

“You have betrayed me and betrayed my people, my children, my houses of Israel and my daughters of Sion, yes you have betrayed me and my people!”

“You have betrayed me because you refuse to love.”

“ You have betrayed me because you think yourselves justified in your hatred and bitterness that you feed daily!”

“ You have betrayed my will to my people because your works are only lip service to me because you still love Egypt!”

“Yes you still love Egypt and willingly bare your backs to the whips of the taskmasters to continue your lives as they are, so do you lie and deceive my people to continue your lives as slaves!”

“You have betrayed me because you teach all my people their faith in you and not in me!”

“You have betrayed me because you teach all my people their faith in you!”

“You have betrayed me because you have taught against my will to trust the works of their hands and the many stores they have prepared for those times to come.”

“Have I not told you throughout the history of your world and have I not shown you time and time again to trust me and only me and that I, yes ME, I AM that I AM will provide the needs for all my people in those times that will be?”

“Have I not told you throughout the history of your world and have I not shown you time and time again that I will provide all of your needs day by day and to the very moment of these needs will I, I AM that I AM provide for you!”

“This must be so to strengthen your faith in me and not men!”

“This must be so to strengthen your faith in me and only me, YES ME, Creator, King of Kings, the Elohim and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohim and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohim and the I AM that I AM of Jacob and all that is, was and shall be yes, me, I AM that I AM has told you these things to strengthen your faith in me and only me!”

“Yet you still will not hear me in these words that I, YES ME, I, I AM THAT I AM COMMANDS THIS SERVANT TO WRITE, YOU WILL NOT HEAR ME because you, in your lying, deceitful and vain hearts have chosen of your own free will to harden your hearts against me and my words for your love of the world and your worldly possessions!”

“Yes, you, Scribes and Pharisees and you who lead, you who teach and you who shepherd, any and all of you who do these things, you still choose Egypt and slavery over me and have betrayed me and all of these of my people that you were to lead, teach and shepherd!”

“In so doing, you have betrayed me and my people!”

“You have chosen to remain slaves for fear, yes for fear of what you know in your hearts must be to make you a Holy Nation to me for the love of the world and your possessions that you refuse to surrender!”

“You have chosen to remain slaves to your possessions, idols and wealth!”

“Slaves, you have chosen to be slaves because in your vain hearts you secretly love the things of the world more than me and my Kingdom!”

“Yet have I, your loving Father, I AM that I AM, yes, yet have I heard and hear the many prayers of this servant and the many prayers of all my people in my South Africa, yes I hear your prayers for deliverance!”

“I AM with you and I will lead you from Egypt as I have promised you!”

“I will lead you to those places that I have promised you both in this world and my spiritual kingdom will I, your loving Father lead you in the times to come as I have already told you!” “I, yes me, I AM that I AM, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Israel, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Abraham, the Elohiym and the I AM that I AM of Jacob and all that is, was and shall be yes, me, I AM THAT I AM YESHUAH, I will lead you as I have promised you and I will provide all your needs in the very hour of your needs will I provide your needs for you!”

“Know you, all of you that hear my voice through my words, know you and understand that because of these Scribes and Pharisees among you, yes because of these Scribes and Pharisees and their lying tongues, these have closed the minds of great numbers of your brothers and sisters to my words.”

“These of your brothers and sisters hear me not now nor will they hear me when I, yes me I AM that I AM, no, these of your brothers and sisters will not hear my voice to flee in the moment that I tell my people to flee because of these Scribes and Pharisees and their lying tongues who have blinded the minds of your brothers and sisters to my words, yes my words that might have saved them!”

“These will flee of their own doing and of their own accord and of these that flee in this manner, will great numbers of your brothers and sisters perish in the perilous times to come!”

“To these, yes all of these, who have blinded the minds of my people to my words, yes all of these, your end shall and your end will be according to your own works and the many judgments, condemnations and damnations that you have spoken and secretly committed against any and all of those that I CHOSE and delivered to my people.”

“ Your end shall and your end will be according to your own works, I AM that I AM!”


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